test1.spk.4t2 4.15 KB
     of ./csrnab.hyp


 sentences                                          15
 with errors                             86.7%   (  13)

   with substitions                      86.7%   (  13)
   with deletions                         0.0%   (   0)
   with insertions                       40.0%   (   6)


Percent Total Error       =   11.1%   (  45)

Percent Correct           =   91.3%   ( 369)

Percent Substitution      =    8.7%   (  35)
Percent Deletions         =    0.0%   (   0)
Percent Insertions        =    2.5%   (  10)
Percent Word Accuracy     =   88.9%

Ref. words                =           ( 404)
Hyp. words                =           ( 414)
Aligned words             =           ( 414)

CONFUSION PAIRS                  Total                 (32)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (32)

   1:    3  ->  a ==> the
   2:    2  ->  cott ==> khan
   3:    1  ->  analysts ==> now
   4:    1  ->  are ==> sister
   5:    1  ->  at ==> of
   6:    1  ->  beaubien ==> and
   7:    1  ->  closed ==> close
   8:    1  ->  collapses ==> collapse
   9:    1  ->  cott ==> car
  10:    1  ->  cott ==> card
  11:    1  ->  cott ==> court
  12:    1  ->  cott ==> koch
  13:    1  ->  cott's ==> cops
  14:    1  ->  cott's ==> cox
  15:    1  ->  fourteen ==> forty
  16:    1  ->  geoffrion ==> jaffray
  17:    1  ->  kavafian ==> in
  18:    1  ->  levesque ==> gobie
  19:    1  ->  mesmerized ==> rise
  20:    1  ->  misinformation ==> information
  21:    1  ->  of ==> is
  22:    1  ->  pencer ==> are
  23:    1  ->  pencer ==> spencer
  24:    1  ->  roman ==> roaming
  25:    1  ->  shares' ==> shares
  26:    1  ->  that ==> the
  27:    1  ->  united ==> night
  28:    1  ->  united ==> nine
  29:    1  ->  unorthodox ==> orthodox
  30:    1  ->  weil ==> wild
  31:    1  ->  while ==> was
  32:    1  ->  whose ==> was

INSERTIONS                       Total                 (9)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (9)

   1:    2  ->  a
   2:    1  ->  an
   3:    1  ->  desk
   4:    1  ->  mafia
   5:    1  ->  meant
   6:    1  ->  ms.
   7:    1  ->  of
   8:    1  ->  pence
   9:    1  ->  the

DELETIONS                        Total                 (0)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (0)


SUBSTITUTIONS                    Total                 (25)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (25)

   1:    6  ->  cott
   2:    3  ->  a
   3:    2  ->  cott's
   4:    2  ->  pencer
   5:    2  ->  united
   6:    1  ->  analysts
   7:    1  ->  are
   8:    1  ->  at
   9:    1  ->  beaubien
  10:    1  ->  closed
  11:    1  ->  collapses
  12:    1  ->  fourteen
  13:    1  ->  geoffrion
  14:    1  ->  kavafian
  15:    1  ->  levesque
  16:    1  ->  mesmerized
  17:    1  ->  misinformation
  18:    1  ->  of
  19:    1  ->  roman
  20:    1  ->  shares'
  21:    1  ->  that
  22:    1  ->  unorthodox
  23:    1  ->  weil
  24:    1  ->  while
  25:    1  ->  whose

* NOTE: The 'Substitution' words are those reference words
        for which the recognizer supplied an incorrect word.

FALSELY RECOGNIZED               Total                 (30)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (30)

   1:    4  ->  the
   2:    2  ->  khan
   3:    2  ->  was
   4:    1  ->  and
   5:    1  ->  are
   6:    1  ->  car
   7:    1  ->  card
   8:    1  ->  close
   9:    1  ->  collapse
  10:    1  ->  cops
  11:    1  ->  court
  12:    1  ->  cox
  13:    1  ->  forty
  14:    1  ->  gobie
  15:    1  ->  in
  16:    1  ->  information
  17:    1  ->  is
  18:    1  ->  jaffray
  19:    1  ->  koch
  20:    1  ->  night
  21:    1  ->  nine
  22:    1  ->  now
  23:    1  ->  of
  24:    1  ->  orthodox
  25:    1  ->  rise
  26:    1  ->  roaming
  27:    1  ->  shares
  28:    1  ->  sister
  29:    1  ->  spencer
  30:    1  ->  wild

* NOTE: The 'Falsely Recognized' words are those hypothesis words
        which the recognizer incorrectly substituted for a reference word.