test13.prf 57.6 KB


System name:   ./tima_hyp.ctm
Ref file:      ./tima_ref.ctm
Hyp file:      ./tima_hyp.ctm

Speaker Count: 2
    0:  5555-a
    1:  5555-b

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 0 of 13
id: (5555-a-0000)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 30 9 2 1
REF:  okay    HUH     what    do      you     think   about   it      UHHUH   THAT'S  ****    yeah    i       think   THAT'S  UM      i       think   it's    a       LITTLE  CRAZY   i       WORKED  with    spanish people  for     about   two     years   and     just    IT      WAS     incredible to      me      TO      see     the     things  
R_T1: 0.31    0.95    1.31    1.43    1.48    1.58    1.77    2.04    19.42   22.60           23.00   23.22   23.41   23.60   23.98   24.36   24.55   24.73   24.88   24.93   25.06   25.32   25.44   25.68   25.86   26.29   27.43   27.69   28.02   28.26   28.58   28.86   29.10   29.18   29.29      29.75   29.91   30.05   30.11   30.31   30.45   
R_T2: 0.94    1.20    1.43    1.48    1.58    1.77    2.04    2.26    20.08   22.79           23.19   23.34   23.58   23.98   24.26   24.54   24.73   24.87   24.94   25.04   25.31   25.40   25.66   25.86   26.28   26.67   27.69   28.02   28.22   28.57   28.85   29.10   29.18   29.29   29.75      29.90   30.05   30.11   30.31   30.45   30.66   
HYP:  okay    WELL    what    do      you     think   about   it      UH-HUH  IT      SAYS    yeah    i       think   THAT    SO      i       think   it's    a       THAT    BECAUSE i       WORK    with    spanish people  for     about   two     years   and     just    **      IS      incredible to      me      **      see     the     things  
H_T1: 0.25    0.85    1.27    1.42    1.48    1.54    1.77    2.05    19.51   22.63   22.74   22.92   23.31   23.33   23.59   23.81   24.28   24.54   24.73   24.87   24.93   25.03   25.26   25.39   25.64   25.87   26.27   27.40   27.66   27.98   28.22   28.58   28.83           29.09   29.28      29.76   29.88           30.11   30.27   30.37   
H_T2: 0.68    1.13    1.42    1.48    1.54    1.77    2.05    2.24    19.80   22.74   22.92   23.31   23.33   23.59   23.81   24.03   24.54   24.73   24.87   24.93   25.03   25.26   25.39   25.64   25.87   26.27   26.68   27.66   27.98   28.22   28.58   28.83   29.09           29.28   29.76      29.88   30.11           30.27   30.37   30.66   
Eval:         S                                                       S       S       I                               S       S                                       S       S               S                                                                               D       S                                  D                               

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 1 of 13
id: (5555-a-0001)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 35 12 3 2
REF:  that    they    had     to      go      THROUGH WHEN    THEY    WERE    REALLY  some    of      the     best    workers RIGHT   right   EXACTLY yeah    i       think   you     know    i       think   IN      a       lot     of      ways    THE     LAW     IS      GOOD    because IT      TRIES   to      ****    to      protect ***     you     know    the     people  who     are     in      the     states  UHHUH   
R_T1: 30.66   30.77   30.88   31.04   31.14   31.35   31.53   31.65   31.79   31.90   32.11   32.30   32.40   32.49   32.76   38.00   42.80   43.06   46.30   46.64   46.84   47.10   47.16   47.22   47.38   47.50   47.62   47.70   47.84   47.92   48.10   48.20   48.38   48.48   48.72   48.94   49.08   49.38           49.64   49.82           50.48   50.58   50.70   50.84   51.12   51.18   51.26   51.38   51.44   58.70   
R_T2: 30.76   30.87   31.05   31.13   31.34   31.53   31.64   31.79   31.90   32.09   32.30   32.40   32.49   32.75   33.24   38.29   43.06   43.84   46.64   46.84   47.10   47.16   47.22   47.38   47.50   47.62   47.70   47.84   47.92   48.10   48.20   48.38   48.46   48.72   48.94   49.08   49.36   49.64           49.82   50.48           50.58   50.70   50.84   51.12   51.18   51.26   51.38   51.44   51.90   59.05   
HYP:  that    they    had     to      go      ******* TO      ONE     OF      THOSE   some    of      the     best    workers *****   right   I       yeah    i       think   you     know    i       think   **      a       lot     of      ways    OF      LOSS    TO      IT      because IT'S    NICE    to      HAVE    to      protect AND     you     know    the     people  who     are     in      the     states  UH-HUH  
H_T1: 30.66   30.74   30.86   31.01   31.11           31.30   31.50   31.67   31.88   32.15   32.29   32.33   32.44   32.74           37.98   42.79   46.27   46.62   46.76   47.06   47.15   47.24   47.31           47.53   47.65   47.85   47.90   48.11   48.18   48.46   48.59   48.68   48.96   49.08   49.36   49.47   49.64   49.76   50.27   50.46   50.55   50.71   50.79   51.11   51.19   51.25   51.38   51.41   58.70   
H_T2: 30.74   30.86   31.01   31.11   31.30           31.50   31.67   31.88   32.15   32.29   32.33   32.44   32.74   33.26           38.29   43.15   46.62   46.76   47.06   47.15   47.24   47.31   47.53           47.65   47.85   47.90   48.11   48.18   48.46   48.59   48.68   48.96   49.08   49.36   49.47   49.64   49.76   50.27   50.46   50.55   50.71   50.79   51.11   51.19   51.25   51.38   51.41   51.84   59.06   
Eval:                                         D       S       S       S       S                                               D               S                                                               D                                       S       S       S       S               S       S               I                       I                                                                               S       

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 2 of 13
id: (5555-a-0002)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 28 17 2 6
REF:  ***     ***     OH      YOU'RE  KIDDING SOUNDS  LIKE    a       LOT     OF      FUN     YEAH    IT'S    amazing to      me      how     ***     how     many    THINGS  THEY    would   allow   to      *       OCCUR   BEFORE  you     know    you     CAN     come    in      ***     right   YEAH    it's    kind    of      *****   FRUSTRATING TOO     for     those   who     ARE     legitimate now     you     know    i       think   
R_T1:                 61.64   61.75   61.94   65.34   65.62   65.79   65.83   65.99   66.09   66.24   66.44   66.54   66.89   67.00   67.22           67.55   67.76   68.32   68.68   68.78   68.91   70.04           70.18   70.76   71.14   71.26   71.38   71.58   71.75   71.79           73.42   75.09   75.32   75.49   75.65           75.74       76.16   76.31   76.44   76.71   76.81   76.88      77.35   77.87   78.03   78.24   78.41   
R_T2:                 61.74   61.94   62.31   65.62   65.76   65.84   65.98   66.08   66.23   66.42   66.54   66.87   67.00   67.18   67.54           67.76   68.20   68.68   68.78   68.91   69.44   70.17           70.58   71.13   71.26   71.38   71.46   71.74   71.80   72.25           73.88   75.28   75.48   75.62   75.74           76.15       76.31   76.44   76.70   76.81   76.88   77.35      77.79   78.04   78.24   78.40   78.69   
HYP:  ALL     YOU     CAN     FOR     THE     HECK    OF      a       ***     TO      LET     FUNNY   AS      amazing to      me      how     THE     how     many    SEEMS   IT      would   allow   to      A       CARE    FOR     you     know    you     SHOULD  come    in      AND     right   IT'S    it's    kind    of      FRESH   AND         SEE     for     those   who     ***     legitimate now     you     know    i       think   
H_T1: 61.56   61.76   61.89   63.90   64.13   64.34   65.39   65.62           65.70   65.83   66.04   66.28   66.52   66.87   66.99   67.13   67.37   67.62   67.75   68.34   68.68   68.77   68.91   70.00   70.16   70.22   70.74   71.13   71.25   71.35   71.45   71.57   71.79   71.93   73.35   75.10   75.33   75.49   75.65   75.69   75.99       76.16   76.30   76.44   76.67           76.85      77.36   77.88   78.05   78.27   78.36   
H_T2: 61.76   61.89   62.15   64.13   64.34   64.55   65.62   65.65           65.83   66.04   66.28   66.52   66.87   66.99   67.13   67.37   67.62   67.75   68.08   68.68   68.77   68.91   69.29   70.16   70.22   70.57   71.13   71.25   71.35   71.45   71.57   71.79   71.93   72.06   73.68   75.33   75.49   75.65   75.69   75.99   76.16       76.30   76.44   76.67   76.85           77.36      77.77   78.05   78.27   78.36   78.70   
Eval: I       I       S       S       S       S       S               D       S       S       S       S                                       I                       S       S                               I       S       S                               S                       I               S                               I       S           S                               D                                                          

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 3 of 13
id: (5555-a-0003)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 29 16 6 0
REF:  UHHUH   right   exactly and     i       think   it's    important THAT    THEY    you     know    THEY    ALLOW   a       good    number  of      people  IN      EVERY   YEAR    because really  THEY'RE THE     ONES    WHO     WORK    THE     HARDEST and     do      THE     JOBS    that    that    we      don't   want    to      DO      and     i       just    I       DON'T   KNOW    i       have    PERSONALLY 
R_T1: 82.94   87.54   87.81   89.01   89.07   89.18   89.37   89.53     89.99   90.08   90.22   90.34   90.42   90.52   90.70   90.81   90.96   91.16   91.24   91.47   91.59   91.74   91.83   92.07   92.24   92.38   92.45   92.70   92.76   92.92   93.01   93.32   93.39   93.46   93.56   93.92   94.10   94.21   94.32   94.47   94.67   94.77   96.19   96.40   96.56   97.07   97.17   97.27   97.38   97.52   97.63      
R_T2: 83.28   87.80   88.39   89.07   89.10   89.37   89.50   89.99     90.08   90.22   90.34   90.42   90.52   90.70   90.80   90.96   91.16   91.20   91.48   91.59   91.74   91.82   92.06   92.24   92.38   92.44   92.69   92.76   92.92   93.00   93.30   93.39   93.46   93.56   93.92   94.10   94.20   94.32   94.47   94.67   94.76   94.99   96.39   96.53   96.97   97.18   97.26   97.37   97.45   97.64   97.95      
HYP:  I       right   exactly and     i       think   it's    important IN      DAY     you     know    ****    THEY'LL a       good    number  of      people  **      HAVE    YOU     because really  ******* ***     ****    THEN    ONCE    WITH    OURS    and     do      IT      SOUNDS  that    that    we      don't   want    to      TO      and     i       just    *       AND     AND     i       have    PERSON     
H_T1: 82.89   87.54   87.82   88.98   89.06   89.16   89.37   89.50     89.87   89.95   90.12   90.34           90.41   90.58   90.76   90.94   91.17   91.21           91.52   91.65   91.78   92.06                           92.22   92.44   92.67   92.88   93.28   93.35   93.46   93.58   93.91   94.05   94.21   94.30   94.47   94.67   94.74   96.26   96.43   96.53           97.06   97.21   97.31   97.43   97.60      
H_T2: 82.93   87.82   88.37   89.06   89.16   89.37   89.50   89.87     89.95   90.12   90.34   90.41           90.58   90.76   90.94   91.17   91.21   91.52           91.65   91.78   92.06   92.22                           92.44   92.67   92.88   93.28   93.35   93.46   93.58   93.91   94.05   94.21   94.30   94.47   94.67   94.74   94.91   96.43   96.53   96.83           97.21   97.31   97.43   97.60   97.95      
Eval: S                                                                 S       S                       D       S                                               D       S       S                       D       D       D       S       S       S       S                       S       S                                                       S                               D       S       S                       S          

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 4 of 13
id: (5555-a-0004)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 26 6 6 0
REF:  I       have    a       problem with    it      i       think   that    you     know    IF      someone wants   to      come    in      and     they    can     prove   that    they're going   to      work    and     THEY'RE GOING   TO      BE      a       GOOD    CITIZEN THAT    WE            SHOULDN'T CLOSE   
R_T1: 97.99   98.08   98.10   98.18   98.53   98.72   98.79   98.90   99.25   99.95   100.06  100.24  100.30  100.54  100.80  100.86  101.03  101.12  101.23  101.32  101.52  101.76  101.88  102.01  102.13  102.18  102.48  102.55  102.66  102.78  102.84  102.95  103.05  103.19  103.75  104.90        105.04    105.34  
R_T2: 98.08   98.09   98.17   98.53   98.72   98.78   98.90   99.23   99.53   100.06  100.22  100.30  100.54  100.80  100.86  101.01  101.12  101.23  101.32  101.52  101.76  101.88  102.01  102.13  102.18  102.43  102.55  102.66  102.78  102.84  102.95  103.02  103.20  103.75  103.97  105.04        105.34    105.57  
HYP:  *       have    a       problem with    it      i       think   that    you     know    **      someone wants   to      come    in      and     they    can     prove   that    they're going   to      work    and     ******* *****   THEY    GET     a       ****    ******* BIG     CONSIDERATION THE       WAS     
H_T1:         97.95   98.10   98.15   98.52   98.70   98.78   98.88   99.20   99.96   100.05          100.27  100.55  100.75  100.83  101.03  101.23  101.22  101.29  101.49  101.75  101.86  101.97  102.10  102.17  102.43                  102.52  102.62  102.75                  102.81  103.03        103.74    105.37  
H_T2:         98.10   98.15   98.52   98.70   98.78   98.88   99.20   99.49   100.05  100.27          100.55  100.75  100.83  101.03  101.23  101.22  101.29  101.49  101.75  101.86  101.97  102.10  102.17  102.43  102.52                  102.62  102.75  102.81                  103.03  103.74        103.86    105.59  
Eval: D                                                                                       D                                                                                                                               D       D       S       S               D       D       S       S             S         S       

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 5 of 13
id: (5555-a-0005)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 32 7 8 0
REF:  OUR     DOOR    AND     you     know    i       i       believe that    IF      someone goes    on      welfare that's  when    YOU     you     know    SEND    THEM    BACK    TO      THEIR   country and     i       think   a       lot     of      times   WE'RE   so      busy    trying  to      keep    THEM    OUT     THAT    WE'RE   spending twice   as      much    money   
R_T1: 105.59  105.73  109.06  109.14  109.20  109.28  109.50  109.72  110.02  110.10  110.18  110.44  110.58  110.70  111.06  111.30  111.38  111.44  111.60  111.70  111.90  112.00  112.16  112.23  112.36  114.09  114.78  114.90  115.08  115.16  115.39  115.43  115.59  115.65  115.86  116.08  116.36  116.38  116.56  116.70  116.91  116.98  117.06   117.40  117.66  117.76  118.01  
R_T2: 105.72  105.98  109.14  109.20  109.28  109.50  109.72  110.02  110.10  110.18  110.44  110.58  110.70  111.06  111.30  111.38  111.44  111.56  111.68  111.89  112.00  112.16  112.23  112.35  112.80  114.76  114.90  115.06  115.17  115.37  115.43  115.59  115.65  115.86  116.07  116.31  116.38  116.56  116.70  116.91  116.98  117.06  117.39   117.66  117.76  118.00  118.32  
HYP:  ***     ****    ***     you     know    i       i       believe that    **      someone goes    on      welfare that's  when    ***     you     know    ****    SOME    OF      MATCH   IT      country and     i       think   a       lot     of      times   ARE     so      busy    trying  to      keep    ****    ***     THE     MONTHLY spending twice   as      much    money   
H_T1:                         108.96  109.19  109.31  109.64  109.66  110.00          110.13  110.41  110.60  110.72  111.05  111.27          111.37  111.58          111.70  111.89  111.94  112.20  112.35  114.09  114.77  114.89  115.05  115.12  115.28  115.33  115.58  115.66  115.83  116.06  116.29  116.34                  116.54  116.63  117.07   117.38  117.65  117.76  117.97  
H_T2:                         109.19  109.31  109.64  109.66  110.00  110.13          110.41  110.60  110.72  111.05  111.27  111.37          111.58  111.70          111.89  111.94  112.20  112.35  112.78  114.47  114.89  115.05  115.12  115.28  115.33  115.58  115.66  115.83  116.06  116.29  116.34  116.54                  116.63  117.07  117.38   117.65  117.76  117.97  118.36  
Eval: D       D       D                                                       D                                                       D                       D       S       S       S       S                                                                       S                                               D       D       S       S                                                

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 6 of 13
id: (5555-a-0006)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 27 6 1 0
REF:  as      WE      would   JUST    ALLOWING them    IN      and     yeah    and     that's  that's  what    i       think   YOU     KNOW    i       i       have    to      laugh   because like    i       said    i       WORKED  with    a       lot     of      those   and     
R_T1: 118.42  118.61  118.71  118.90  119.04   119.31  119.47  119.60  126.31  126.52  126.64  126.96  127.20  127.28  127.43  127.60  127.73  127.82  127.95  128.04  128.23  128.38  128.59  128.76  128.92  128.97  129.14  129.24  129.45  129.58  129.67  129.87  129.95  130.20  
R_T2: 118.60  118.71  118.90  119.03  119.30   119.45  119.59  119.80  126.48  126.64  126.96  127.18  127.27  127.36  127.60  127.73  127.82  127.90  128.03  128.19  128.37  128.58  128.76  128.90  128.97  129.13  129.24  129.44  129.59  129.67  129.87  129.95  130.18  130.40  
HYP:  as      YOU     would   STILL   ON       them    AND     and     yeah    and     that's  that's  what    i       think   ***     AND     i       i       have    to      laugh   because like    i       said    i       WORK    with    a       lot     of      those   and     
H_T1: 118.41  118.56  118.65  118.89  119.10   119.32  119.47  119.62  126.33  126.59  126.64  126.93  127.17  127.29  127.39          127.63  127.76  127.91  128.05  128.21  128.32  128.56  128.75  128.93  128.96  129.14  129.21  129.43  129.57  129.63  129.87  129.94  130.19  
H_T2: 118.56  118.65  118.89  119.10  119.32   119.47  119.62  119.77  126.59  126.64  126.93  127.17  127.29  127.39  127.63          127.76  127.91  128.05  128.21  128.32  128.56  128.75  128.93  128.96  129.14  129.21  129.43  129.57  129.63  129.87  129.94  130.19  130.37  
Eval:         S               S       S                S                                                                       D       S                                                                                       S                                                       

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 7 of 13
id: (5555-a-0007)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 36 9 5 2
REF:  THEY'D  been    **      DEPORTED two     or      three   times   and     just    basically WHAT    they    do      is      they    get     CAUGHT  WHEN    THEY    WANTED  to      go      HOME    FOR     christmas OR      for     any     **      OTHER   time    BUT     i       think   you     know    i       think   ALL     IN      all     there's a       lot     of      improvements i       think   the     general idea    
R_T1: 130.85  131.00          131.12   131.49  131.60  131.69  131.87  132.17  132.25  132.49    132.82  132.88  133.00  133.10  133.19  133.29  133.44  133.60  133.73  133.78  133.99  134.06  134.16  134.28  134.37    135.51  135.72  135.93          137.64  137.84  138.23  139.12  139.24  139.48  139.58  139.90  140.03  140.28  140.43  140.50  140.62  140.80  140.84  141.00  141.08       141.60  141.68  141.92  142.02  142.28  
R_T2: 131.00  131.12          131.48   131.61  131.68  131.85  132.17  132.25  132.49  132.82    132.88  132.99  133.10  133.20  133.28  133.44  133.60  133.73  133.78  133.98  134.06  134.16  134.28  134.37  134.88    135.71  135.85  136.06          137.84  138.18  138.68  139.24  139.46  139.58  139.76  140.02  140.24  140.42  140.48  140.61  140.79  140.84  141.00  141.08  141.60       141.68  141.92  142.02  142.26  142.61  
HYP:  IT'S    been    TO      PUERTO   two     or      three   times   and     just    basically ****    they    do      is      they    get     ******  COME    AND     WANT    to      go      ****    TO      christmas **      for     any     OF      THE     time    THAT    i       think   you     know    i       think   ***     ON      all     there's a       lot     of      improvements i       think   the     general idea    
H_T1: 130.81  130.97  131.10  131.19   131.43  131.60  131.66  131.84  132.17  132.22  132.46            132.84  132.95  133.08  133.17  133.27          133.40  133.63  133.80  133.98  134.03          134.28  134.35            135.73  135.84  136.04  136.14  136.23  138.15  139.13  139.22  139.49  139.58  139.84  140.04          140.23  140.48  140.61  140.78  140.83  141.00  141.09       141.60  141.66  141.89  141.98  142.29  
H_T2: 130.97  131.10  131.19  131.43   131.60  131.66  131.84  132.17  132.22  132.46  132.84            132.95  133.08  133.17  133.27  133.40          133.63  133.80  133.98  134.03  134.23          134.35  134.87            135.84  136.04  136.14  136.23  136.56  138.46  139.22  139.49  139.58  139.78  140.04  140.23          140.48  140.61  140.78  140.83  141.00  141.09  141.60       141.66  141.89  141.98  142.29  142.61  
Eval: S               I       S                                                                  D                                               D       S       S       S                       D       S                 D                       I       S               S                                                       D       S                                                                                                    

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 8 of 13
id: (5555-a-0008)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 29 10 4 3
REF:  is      GOOD    but     but     THERE   could   be      some    WORK    DONE    in      the     area    well    good    **      anyway  DO      YOU     have    anything else    in      the     **      the     subject UM      THAT    YOU     MIGHT   WANT    to      TALK    ABOUT   yeah    **      ABSOLUTELY i       think   a       lot     of      times   we      take    
R_T1: 142.62  142.78  142.98  144.18  144.36  144.50  144.65  144.74  144.95  145.15  145.26  145.39  145.50  148.97  149.14          151.32  151.69  151.72  151.79  151.94   152.20  152.45  152.57          152.82  153.06  153.47  153.56  153.92  153.99  154.12  154.23  154.32  154.58  168.48          168.72     169.12  169.28  169.44  169.52  169.66  169.76  169.94  170.06  
R_T2: 142.78  143.03  143.28  144.36  144.49  144.64  144.73  144.94  145.15  145.25  145.38  145.50  145.85  149.14  149.25          151.69  151.72  151.79  151.94  152.20   152.43  152.58  152.81          152.93  153.44  153.56  153.69  153.98  154.12  154.23  154.30  154.53  154.97  168.72          169.12     169.28  169.44  169.52  169.64  169.76  169.94  170.06  170.58  
HYP:  is      IT      but     but     THEY    could   be      some    WITH    AND     in      the     area    well    good    AT      anyway  **      TO      have    anything else    in      the     UH      the     subject **      ****    THERE   I       WANTED  to      ****    A       yeah    SO      THAT       i       think   a       lot     of      times   we      take    
H_T1: 142.61  142.75  142.96  144.19  144.34  144.45  144.62  144.73  144.93  145.09  145.27  145.37  145.52  148.94  149.12  149.55  151.31          151.68  151.75  151.91   152.20  152.43  152.56  152.80  152.84  153.00                  153.45  153.94  154.07  154.31          154.53  168.44  168.81  169.01     169.12  169.24  169.42  169.50  169.67  169.71  169.95  170.03  
H_T2: 142.75  142.96  143.22  144.34  144.45  144.62  144.73  144.93  145.09  145.27  145.37  145.52  145.79  149.12  149.44  149.89  151.68          151.75  151.91  152.20   152.43  152.56  152.80  152.84  153.00  153.45                  153.58  154.07  154.31  154.39          154.58  168.81  169.01  169.12     169.24  169.42  169.50  169.67  169.71  169.95  170.03  170.40  
Eval:         S                       S                               S       S                                               I               D       S                                                I                       D       D       S       S       S               D       S               I       S                                                                          

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 9 of 13
id: (5555-a-0009)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 32 13 4 0
REF:  you     know    basically who     WE      want    to      because if      YOU     if      YOU     HAVE    CONNECTIONS IT'S    A          LOT       EASIER  to      get     in      yeah    AND     i       think   you     know    it      should  be      more    of      A       THING   THAT'S  based   upon    someone's INTENT  YOU      KNOW    and     THAT    it      should  be      equal   to      all     
R_T1: 171.12  171.24  171.42    171.90  171.98  172.10  172.36  172.48  172.62  172.82  173.04  173.16  173.24  173.34      173.90  174.02     174.06    174.20  174.46  174.58  174.70  176.48  176.74  176.88  176.98  177.20  177.28  177.36  177.46  177.68  177.80  178.12  178.20  178.28  178.50  178.70  178.96  179.40    179.94  180.30   180.46  181.40  181.56  181.66  181.76  181.96  182.26  182.56  182.68  
R_T2: 171.24  171.42  171.90    171.98  172.10  172.36  172.48  172.62  172.82  173.00  173.16  173.24  173.30  173.90      174.02  174.06     174.20    174.46  174.58  174.70  174.98  176.74  176.86  176.98  177.20  177.28  177.36  177.46  177.68  177.80  178.12  178.20  178.26  178.50  178.64  178.94  179.36  179.94    180.30  180.46   180.64  181.56  181.66  181.76  181.96  182.26  182.54  182.68  183.10  
HYP:  you     know    basically who     **      want    to      because if      YEAH    if      ***     ****    *********** THE     CONNECTION SOCIETIES AND     to      get     in      yeah    BUT     i       think   you     know    it      should  be      more    of      THE     THEME   IT'S    based   upon    someone's AND     THINKING OH      and     THEN    it      should  be      equal   to      all     
H_T1: 171.11  171.21  171.37    171.88          172.07  172.30  172.41  172.66  172.81  173.02                              173.12  173.27     173.78    174.37  174.45  174.54  174.71  176.46  176.69  176.86  176.95  177.17  177.25  177.40  177.47  177.64  177.80  178.08  178.16  178.24  178.50  178.65  178.94  179.56    179.94  180.05   180.46  181.37  181.55  181.68  181.76  181.95  182.26  182.54  182.61  
H_T2: 171.21  171.37  171.88    172.07          172.30  172.41  172.66  172.81  173.02  173.12                              173.27  173.78     174.37    174.45  174.54  174.71  174.92  176.69  176.86  176.95  177.17  177.25  177.40  177.47  177.64  177.80  178.08  178.16  178.24  178.50  178.65  178.94  179.30  179.94    180.05  180.46   180.60  181.55  181.68  181.76  181.95  182.26  182.54  182.61  183.03  
Eval:                                   D                                       S               D       D       D           S       S          S         S                                       S                                                                               S       S       S                                 S       S        S               S                                                       

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 10 of 13
id: (5555-a-0010)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 23 9 7 3
REF:  AND     THEN    not     like    **      the     UNITED  STATES  basically **      it's    THAT    not     WHO     YOU     KNOW    it      ****    DOESN'T become  a       thing   OF      WHO     you     know    but     but     how     the     type    of      person  you     ARE     AND     IT      SHOULD  be      based   on      THOSE   
R_T1: 183.12  183.24  183.38  183.56          183.78  183.92  184.14  184.38            184.98  184.88  185.08  185.20  185.36  185.52  186.38          186.52  186.76  186.96  187.06  187.18  187.34  187.44  187.56  187.78  188.34  188.44  188.60  188.72  188.90  189.06  189.40  189.54  190.89  191.02  191.08  191.25  191.38  191.58  191.71  
R_T2: 183.24  183.38  183.56  183.72          183.92  184.14  184.38  184.88            185.08  184.98  185.20  185.36  185.52  185.86  186.52          186.76  186.96  187.04  187.18  187.34  187.44  187.56  187.78  187.96  188.44  188.60  188.72  188.90  189.00  189.40  189.54  189.76  191.02  191.09  191.24  191.38  191.58  191.71  191.87  
HYP:  ***     THE     not     like    IN      the     ******  ESTATES basically IT      it's    ****    not     THE     NOW     DID     it      DOES    IT      become  a       thing   **      IFFY    you     know    but     but     how     the     type    of      person  you     ***     ***     KNOW    I       be      based   on      *****   
H_T1:         183.12  183.32  183.59  183.79  183.89          184.02  184.34    184.80  184.89          185.04  185.21  185.46  186.21  186.35  186.50  186.66  186.73  186.97  187.01          187.19  187.52  187.54  187.74  188.32  188.45  188.60  188.69  188.92  189.02  189.39                  189.50  189.59  191.24  191.35  191.61          
H_T2:         183.32  183.59  183.79  183.89  184.02          184.34  184.80    184.89  185.04          185.21  185.46  185.77  186.35  186.50  186.66  186.73  186.97  187.01  187.19          187.52  187.54  187.74  187.95  188.45  188.60  188.69  188.92  189.02  189.39  189.50                  189.59  189.72  191.35  191.61  191.77          
Eval: D       S                       I               D       S                 I               D               S       S       S               I       S                               D       S                                                                                       D       D       S       S                               D       

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 11 of 13
id: (5555-a-0011)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 16 27 3 3
REF:  KIND    OF      things  SO      THE     GOOD    people  like    PROBABLY YOUR    husband can     get     IN      WELL    GREAT   YEP     well    ****    LET'S   SEE     IS      THERE   ANYTHING ELSE    I       BELIEVE IN      NO      i'm     not     SURE    HOW     LONG    THEY'RE SUPPOSED to      be      BUT     i've    enjoyed it      it's    GOOD    HEARING YOUR    ***     *       point   
R_T1: 191.89  191.97  192.11  192.26  192.33  192.44  192.58  192.84  193.24   193.48  193.58  193.88  194.26  194.44  197.62  197.84  202.02  203.11          204.70  204.88  205.17  205.27  205.34   205.58  205.78  205.91  206.16  209.27  209.46  209.61  209.76  209.90  210.01  210.14  210.24   210.58  210.64  210.76  211.72  211.86  212.18  212.22  212.40  212.60  212.88                  213.15  
R_T2: 191.96  192.05  192.26  192.33  192.44  192.58  192.84  193.02  193.48   193.58  193.88  194.04  194.44  194.56  197.84  198.20  202.26  203.88          204.87  205.11  205.26  205.35  205.58   205.77  205.91  206.16  206.24  209.46  209.61  209.75  209.90  210.01  210.14  210.22  210.58   210.63  210.76  211.07  211.86  212.16  212.22  212.40  212.53  212.84  213.04                  213.43  
HYP:  ****    THE     things  **      THAT    GET     people  like    UH       THE     husband can     get     OUT     AND     GOOD    SO      well    THIS    SEASON  SINCE   AND     LEAVE   IT       ON      THE     FACT    THAT    WELL    i'm     not     ****    SHOW    ON      I       SUPPOSE  to      be      THAT    i've    enjoyed it      it's    GETTING A       YEAR    AND     A       point   
H_T1:         191.88  192.03          192.25  192.40  192.56  192.84  193.23   193.39  193.48  193.86  194.01  194.15  194.42  197.81  199.72  203.11  204.69  204.90  205.43  205.78  205.90  206.16   206.24  206.38  206.46  206.78  209.26  209.50  209.61          209.76  210.03  210.15  210.21   210.51  210.62  210.75  211.71  211.87  212.18  212.24  212.40  212.64  212.81  212.97  213.07  213.15  
H_T2:         192.03  192.25          192.40  192.56  192.84  193.03  193.39   193.48  193.86  194.01  194.15  194.27  194.58  198.05  199.96  203.58  204.90  205.43  205.78  205.90  206.16  206.24   206.38  206.46  206.78  206.89  209.50  209.61  209.76          210.03  210.15  210.21  210.51   210.62  210.75  211.05  211.87  212.18  212.24  212.40  212.64  212.81  212.97  213.07  213.15  213.43  
Eval: D       S               D       S       S                       S        S                               S       S       S       S               I       S       S       S       S       S        S       S       S       S       S                       D       S       S       S       S                        S                                       S       S       S       I       I               

Speaker sentences   0:  5555-a   utt# 12 of 13
id: (5555-a-0012)
File: 5555
Channel: a
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 18 15 4 0
REF:  of      view    and     i       think   that's  NEAT    I       THINK   WE      AGREE   A       LOT     ON      THAT    and     I'VE    LEARNED something from    it      well    THANKS  I'M     GLAD    YOU'RE  HOME    YOU     have    a       good    evening ALL     RIGHT   thanks  bye     bye     
R_T1: 213.43  213.51  213.70  213.86  213.90  214.04  214.25  214.35  214.42  214.66  214.72  214.94  215.02  215.18  215.39  215.55  216.38  216.55  216.71    217.04  217.20  220.09  220.20  220.48  220.59  220.78  220.84  220.97  221.02  221.15  221.20  221.30  221.56  221.66  222.32  222.78  222.93  
R_T2: 213.51  213.67  213.85  213.90  214.04  214.24  214.35  214.42  214.62  214.72  214.93  215.02  215.17  215.35  215.55  215.76  216.55  216.70  217.04    217.20  217.34  220.20  220.48  220.59  220.77  220.84  220.97  221.02  221.14  221.20  221.30  221.56  221.66  221.86  222.74  222.90  223.09  
HYP:  of      view    and     i       think   that's  ****    A       THAT'S  A       GREAT   DEAL    UH      AND     THAT'S  and     I       WANT    something from    it      well    ******  ***     THINGS  AND     I       DON'T   have    a       good    evening ***     I       thanks  bye     bye     
H_T1: 213.43  213.48  213.66  213.75  213.82  214.02          214.23  214.29  214.47  214.55  214.77  215.02  215.16  215.30  215.54  216.37  216.50  216.71    216.99  217.23  220.07                  220.21  220.47  220.58  220.73  220.96  221.12  221.17  221.29          221.57  222.26  222.74  222.88  
H_T2: 213.48  213.66  213.75  213.82  214.02  214.23          214.29  214.47  214.55  214.77  215.02  215.16  215.30  215.54  215.74  216.50  216.71  216.99    217.23  217.32  220.21                  220.47  220.58  220.73  220.96  221.12  221.17  221.29  221.57          221.86  222.74  222.88  223.07  
Eval:                                                 D       S       S       S       S       S       S       S       S               S       S                                         D       D       S       S       S       S                                       D       S                               

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 0 of 9
id: (5555-b-0000)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 30 4 1 4
REF:  **      OH      well    immigration I       KNOW    THEY'RE really  strict  right   now     because my      ****    **      husband is      from    out     of      the     country and     THE     uh      ***     we      had     to      go      through a       whole   very    long    process to      uh      to      
R_T1:         2.54    3.45    4.61        6.52    6.60    6.74    6.89    7.06    7.37    7.58    7.90    8.41                    8.93    9.40    9.54    9.74    9.86    9.96    10.02   10.48   10.86   10.99           12.38   12.54   12.68   12.74   12.85   13.06   13.16   13.42   13.92   14.16   14.78   15.06   15.75   
R_T2:         3.07    4.08    6.08        6.60    6.73    6.89    7.05    7.36    7.59    7.88    8.38    8.57                    9.39    9.55    9.72    9.86    9.96    10.02   10.48   10.86   10.99   11.22           12.53   12.68   12.74   12.85   13.06   13.16   13.40   13.91   14.16   14.74   15.05   15.28   16.07   
HYP:  UH      UM      well    immigration AND     THAT'S  ANOTHER really  strict  right   now     because my      HAND    IT      husband is      from    out     of      the     country and     ***     uh      BUT     we      had     to      go      through a       whole   very    long    process to      uh      to      
H_T1: 2.54    3.06    3.41    4.91        5.97    5.95    6.50    6.84    7.05    7.34    7.57    7.87    8.39    8.58    8.84    8.95    9.40    9.57    9.73    9.88    9.93    10.01   10.53           10.85   11.13   12.38   12.54   12.66   12.72   12.83   13.04   13.10   13.40   13.90   14.15   14.75   15.06   15.72   
H_T2: 3.06    3.18    3.97    5.97        5.95    6.48    6.84    7.05    7.34    7.57    7.87    8.39    8.58    8.84    8.95    9.40    9.57    9.73    9.88    9.93    10.01   10.53   10.85           11.13   11.42   12.54   12.66   12.72   12.83   13.04   13.10   13.40   13.90   14.15   14.75   15.06   15.30   16.09   
Eval: I       S                           S       S       S                                                       I       I                                                                       D               I                                                                                                               

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 1 of 9
id: (5555-b-0001)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 28 6 2 2
REF:  **      assure  ****    the     government that    he      was     uh      MARRYING ME      and     not     to      be      A       RESIDENT HERE    UHHUH   yeah    that's  true    i       mean    you     can't   just    come    over    TO      the     country because UM      you     want    to      you     
R_T1:         16.20           16.82   16.94      17.40   17.56   17.73   18.08   18.46    18.94   20.13   20.23   20.58   20.96   21.08   21.12    21.47   26.92   33.74   34.30   34.68   34.88   34.96   35.15   35.27   35.51   35.65   35.75   35.96   36.00   36.06   36.39   36.86   37.23   37.34   37.56   38.24   
R_T2:         16.82           16.94   17.40      17.56   17.73   18.08   18.37   18.94    19.29   20.23   20.57   20.96   21.08   21.12   21.46    21.77   27.22   34.25   34.62   34.88   34.96   35.15   35.26   35.50   35.65   35.74   35.96   36.00   36.05   36.39   36.84   37.12   37.34   37.56   37.78   38.40   
HYP:  UH      assure  THAT    the     government that    he      was     uh      ******** MARRIED and     not     to      be      THERE   ISN'T    IT      HAVE    yeah    that's  true    i       mean    you     can't   just    come    over    **      the     country because UP      you     want    to      you     
H_T1: 16.09   16.20   16.81   16.83   16.95      17.39   17.55   17.71   18.08            18.45   20.12   20.29   20.49   20.77   21.09   21.22    21.39   21.47   33.67   34.32   34.61   34.85   34.95   35.16   35.24   35.48   35.63   35.75           35.96   36.04   36.41   36.88   37.22   37.34   37.53   38.23   
H_T2: 16.20   16.81   16.83   16.95   17.39      17.55   17.71   18.08   18.33            18.90   20.29   20.49   20.77   21.09   21.22   21.39    21.47   21.70   34.14   34.61   34.85   34.95   35.16   35.24   35.48   35.63   35.75   35.96           36.04   36.41   36.88   37.22   37.34   37.53   37.73   38.40   
Eval: I               I                                                          D        S                                       S       S        S       S                                                                                       D                               S                                       

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 2 of 9
id: (5555-b-0002)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 28 14 5 2
REF:  know    THAT'S  NOT     GOOD    ENOUGH  YOU     HAVE    TO      HAVE    A       have    to      have    a       DARN    good    reason  OF      political or      whatever not     A       not     A       GOOD    easy    way     to      get     IN      exactly my      mother  UM      actually KNEW    A       woman   ***     *       in      another state   that    used    to      marry   MEN     
R_T1: 38.40   38.49   38.68   38.86   38.96   39.19   39.24   39.34   39.41   39.54   39.74   40.08   40.12   40.24   40.36   40.60   40.74   41.18   41.44     41.92   42.08    43.90   44.04   44.24   44.46   44.54   44.96   45.18   45.34   45.44   45.54   52.41   52.80   52.93   53.40   53.71    54.47   54.70   54.79                   56.19   56.30   56.58   56.88   56.99   57.31   57.45   58.02   
R_T2: 38.49   38.67   38.85   38.97   39.19   39.23   39.34   39.41   39.54   39.71   40.08   40.12   40.24   40.36   40.60   40.74   41.16   41.42   41.92     42.08   42.58    44.04   44.24   44.46   44.54   44.96   45.18   45.34   45.44   45.54   45.92   52.80   52.93   53.31   53.65   54.28    54.71   54.78   55.19                   56.30   56.55   56.88   56.98   57.32   57.44   57.92   58.38   
HYP:  know    ******  ***     IF      I       CAN     THAT    CAN     COME    AND     have    to      have    a       DIET    good    reason  THE     political or      whatever not     *       not     *       AS      easy    way     to      get     AND     exactly my      mother  I'M     actually ****    KNOW    woman   AND     I       in      another state   that    used    to      marry   AND     
H_T1: 38.40                   38.50   38.70   38.82   39.01   39.13   39.32   39.56   39.88   40.05   40.14   40.27   40.34   40.57   40.75   41.14   41.34     41.98   42.08    43.87           44.05           44.48   44.92   45.18   45.32   45.40   45.56   52.36   52.80   52.93   53.34   53.73            54.44   54.80   55.54   55.86   56.21   56.32   56.56   56.85   57.00   57.29   57.46   57.96   
H_T2: 38.50                   38.70   38.82   39.01   39.13   39.32   39.56   39.69   40.05   40.14   40.27   40.34   40.57   40.75   41.14   41.34   41.98     42.08   42.42    44.05           44.48           44.77   45.18   45.32   45.40   45.56   45.91   52.80   52.93   53.34   53.73   54.34            54.80   55.20   55.86   56.21   56.32   56.56   56.85   57.00   57.29   57.46   57.96   58.37   
Eval:         D       D       S       S       S       S       S       S       S                                       S                       S                                          D               D       S                                       S                               S                D       S               I       I                                                               S       

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 3 of 9
id: (5555-b-0003)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 12 12 5 0
REF:  JUST    SHE'D   never   even    MEET    THEM    AND     she'd   just    get     MONEY   FOR     IT      HUHUH   SO      UM      EXACTLY but     i       mean    WITH    the     NEW     laws    IT'S    it's    tough   NOW     EXACTLY 
R_T1: 58.66   59.24   59.39   59.66   59.83   60.03   60.14   60.26   60.49   60.72   60.85   61.04   61.20   62.34   63.22   63.82   71.54   72.00   72.22   72.31   72.42   72.58   72.62   72.82   73.29   73.71   74.03   74.38   77.85   
R_T2: 59.02   59.38   59.65   59.83   60.03   60.14   60.25   60.49   60.72   60.85   61.02   61.18   61.40   63.07   63.70   63.98   72.00   72.20   72.30   72.42   72.58   72.62   72.82   73.28   73.52   74.00   74.33   74.66   78.62   
HYP:  BUT     SHE     never   even    MEAN    I       MEAN    she'd   just    get     *****   ***     MY      UH      YOU     I       TRUE    but     i       mean    WITHIN  the     ***     laws    IN      it's    tough   ***     ******* 
H_T1: 58.97   59.22   59.37   59.63   59.82   60.03   60.07   60.22   60.44   60.67                   60.80   62.34   63.40   65.89   71.87   72.01   72.21   72.30   72.43   72.67           72.80   73.28   73.61   73.98                   
H_T2: 59.22   59.37   59.63   59.82   60.03   60.07   60.22   60.44   60.67   60.80                   60.91   62.82   63.40   65.90   72.01   72.21   72.30   72.43   72.67   72.80           73.28   73.36   73.98   74.33                   
Eval: S       S                       S       S       S                               D       D       S       S       S       S       S                               S               D               S                       D       D       

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 4 of 9
id: (5555-b-0004)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 27 7 5 0
REF:  well    AND     YOU     KNOW    UM      my      grandparents came    to      this    country just    wanting a       better  life    you     know    AND     they    got     here    but     now     it's    A       you     know    IT'S    SO      STRICT     that    you     can't   JUST    DO      THAT    i       agree   
R_T1: 79.15   79.38   79.44   79.54   79.80   80.09   80.29        80.73   80.92   80.98   81.17   81.49   81.71   81.91   81.98   82.18   82.60   82.69   82.95   83.12   83.26   83.50   83.74   83.92   84.24   84.44   84.76   84.91   85.08   85.23   85.35      85.74   85.95   86.30   86.53   86.67   86.78   95.33   95.59   
R_T2: 79.38   79.44   79.54   79.76   80.08   80.27   80.71        80.92   80.99   81.16   81.48   81.69   81.91   81.97   82.18   82.59   82.69   82.94   83.13   83.24   83.50   83.73   83.92   84.22   84.44   84.72   84.90   85.07   85.23   85.33   85.73      85.95   86.17   86.53   86.67   86.78   87.06   95.60   96.17   
HYP:  well    ***     I       YEAH    YEAH    my      grandparents came    to      this    country just    wanting a       better  life    you     know    IT      they    got     here    but     now     it's    UH      you     know    ****    IT      FRUSTRATES that    you     can't   ****    **      ****    i       agree   
H_T1: 79.07           79.31   79.36   79.67   79.97   80.27        80.69   80.89   80.97   81.13   81.48   81.69   81.91   81.96   82.20   82.59   82.69   82.95   83.09   83.22   83.49   83.69   83.90   84.24   84.41   84.62   84.91           85.08   85.17      85.70   85.97   86.29                           95.25   95.55   
H_T2: 79.31           79.36   79.67   79.97   80.27   80.69        80.89   80.97   81.13   81.48   81.69   81.91   81.96   82.20   82.59   82.69   82.95   83.07   83.22   83.49   83.69   83.90   84.24   84.41   84.62   84.91   85.08           85.17   85.70      85.97   86.29   86.52                           95.55   95.89   
Eval:         D       S       S       S                                                                                                                    S                                                       S                       D       S       S                                  D       D       D                       

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 5 of 9
id: (5555-b-0005)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 15 24 6 4
REF:  exactly IF      THEY'RE NOT     GOING   TO      BE      ON      WELFARE or      or      whatever THEY'RE GOING   TO      BE      A       PRODUCTIVE   CITIZEN yeah    **      well    THINK   OF      HOW     MANY    ILLEGAL ALIENS  have    *       have    have    ***     BEEN    UM      YEAH    SENT    back    ***     TO      MEXICO  just    to      find    THEIR   way     back    THAT'S  RIGHT   
R_T1: 104.42  104.92  104.97  105.03  105.17  105.22  105.30  105.44  105.61  106.24  106.57  106.80   107.48  107.60  107.66  107.71  107.76  107.84       108.28  113.58          120.12  120.30  120.47  120.50  120.66  120.86  121.18  121.52          121.79  122.00          122.33  122.79  123.49  124.00  124.21          124.34  124.42  124.77  125.05  125.24  125.48  125.54  125.71  134.83  135.10  
R_T2: 104.90  104.97  105.03  105.17  105.21  105.30  105.44  105.61  106.24  106.57  106.80  107.38   107.60  107.66  107.71  107.76  107.84  108.28       108.78  113.98          120.30  120.46  120.51  120.66  120.80  121.10  121.52  121.68          122.00  122.26          122.67  123.33  124.00  124.21  124.34          124.40  124.76  125.04  125.23  125.48  125.53  125.72  125.96  135.09  135.38  
HYP:  exactly **      ******* BUT     I       HAVE    THE     I'M     FAIR    or      or      whatever ******* *****   **      THEY    GET     DISCONNECTED SINCE   yeah    UH      well    I       DON'T   BELIEVE IT      WELL    AND     have    A       have    have    THE     AND     THE     AND     SIT     back    AND     I       SKIED   just    to      find    A       way     back    ******  THINK   
H_T1: 104.40                  104.86  105.06  105.12  105.31  105.44  105.92  106.28  106.56  106.75                           107.49  107.57  107.69       108.21  113.54  119.98  120.12  120.28  120.32  120.68  121.05  121.12  121.29  121.46  121.72  121.78  121.94  122.26  122.42  122.72  123.50  123.99  124.16  124.35  124.45  124.56  124.79  124.97  125.07  125.48  125.52  125.69          135.00  
H_T2: 104.86                  105.06  105.12  105.31  105.44  105.54  106.28  106.56  106.75  107.20                           107.57  107.69  108.21       108.53  113.98  120.12  120.28  120.32  120.68  121.05  121.12  121.29  121.46  121.72  121.78  121.94  122.26  122.42  122.72  123.24  123.99  124.16  124.35  124.45  124.56  124.79  124.97  125.07  125.48  125.52  125.69  125.97          135.35  
Eval:         D       D       S       S       S       S       S       S                                D       D       D       S       S       S            S               I               S       S       S       S       S       S               I                       I       S       S       S       S               I       S       S                               S                       D       S       

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 6 of 9
id: (5555-b-0006)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 20 11 4 4
REF:  THAT'S  OUR     MONEY   YES     that's  TRUE    i       ***     i       THINK   ****    **      i       agree   UM      i       UM      BOY     this    is      SPUR    OF      THE     moment  um      BUT     I       i       i       DON'T   really  see     any     any     ***     changes that    i       think   
R_T1: 135.48  135.74  135.88  137.64  137.97  138.39  146.62          147.03  147.47                  148.10  148.43  153.58  153.97  154.02  154.37  154.82  155.02  155.24  155.50  155.56  155.67  156.06  156.89  156.51  157.00  157.52  157.64  157.76  158.02  158.17  158.43          159.00  159.52  159.66  159.82  
R_T2: 135.73  135.87  136.28  137.97  138.39  138.63  147.03          147.44  147.75                  148.43  148.82  153.97  154.02  154.14  154.79  155.03  155.24  155.50  155.56  155.60  156.00  156.51  157.00  156.85  157.18  157.64  157.76  158.02  158.17  158.43  158.85          159.52  159.66  159.82  160.10  
HYP:  ******  AND     SOME    YEAH    that's  AND     i       AND     i       CAN     TAKE    IT      i       agree   AS      i       WELL    I       this    is      ****    SPREAD  A       moment  um      ***     THAT    i       i       *****   really  see     any     any     AND     changes that    i       think   
H_T1:         135.49  135.68  137.59  137.87  146.36  146.64  146.80  147.16  147.62  147.70  147.88  148.15  148.30  149.79  153.53  154.33  154.54  154.82  155.02          155.15  155.54  155.60  156.08          156.49  156.73  157.50          157.68  157.98  158.16  158.39  158.87  159.02  159.52  159.66  159.79  
H_T2:         135.68  135.92  137.87  138.15  146.64  146.80  147.16  147.28  147.70  147.88  148.15  148.30  148.56  150.12  154.01  154.54  154.72  155.02  155.15          155.54  155.60  156.08  156.49          156.73  157.15  157.68          157.98  158.16  158.39  158.87  159.02  159.52  159.66  159.79  160.10  
Eval: D       S       S       S               S               I               S       I       I                       S               S       S                       D       S       S                       D       S                       D                                       I                                       

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 7 of 9
id: (5555-b-0007)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 22 13 6 2
REF:  ARE     REALLY  blatant right   now     other   THAN    i       think   THEY    OUGHT   TO      TAKE    IN      ON      a       CASE    BY      case    basis   ***     ****    and     NOT     NECESSARILY make    it      a       UM      political REFUGEE EXACTLY CONNECTIONS AND     money   yeah    i       AGREE   yeah    well    we      got     him     
R_T1: 160.10  160.32  160.56  161.06  161.36  161.66  161.92  162.10  162.20  162.38  162.44  162.52  162.64  162.84  162.96  163.04  163.12  163.32  163.44  163.68                  164.08  164.70  164.86      165.36  165.60  165.70  165.94  166.94    167.52  175.06  175.56      175.94  176.08  180.66  190.82  191.06  194.69  195.59  195.71  195.82  196.01  
R_T2: 160.32  160.54  161.06  161.30  161.66  161.92  162.08  162.20  162.38  162.44  162.52  162.62  162.80  162.96  163.04  163.12  163.30  163.44  163.64  164.08                  164.22  164.86  165.36      165.60  165.68  165.94  166.24  167.52    168.36  175.56  175.94      176.08  176.32  181.00  191.06  191.41  195.09  195.71  195.81  196.01  196.13  
HYP:  ***     WE      blatant right   now     other   THING   i       think   ****    *****   **      THAT    HAD     TAKEN   a       CAKE    THE     case    basis   AND     THAT    and     SO      WE          make    it      a       **      political ******* ROUGH   EXPECTATION THE     money   yeah    i       HAD     yeah    well    we      got     him     
H_T1:         160.28  160.48  161.04  161.32  161.62  161.85  162.07  162.17                          162.38  162.55  162.63  162.97  163.10  163.32  163.43  163.65  164.06  164.73  164.87  165.06  165.24      165.34  165.61  165.70          166.94            167.49  175.03      175.93  176.01  180.64  190.83  190.98  194.64  195.54  195.70  195.79  195.97  
H_T2:         160.48  161.04  161.32  161.62  161.85  162.07  162.17  162.38                          162.55  162.63  162.97  163.10  163.32  163.43  163.65  164.06  164.22  164.87  165.06  165.24  165.34      165.61  165.70  165.98          167.49            167.73  175.93      176.01  176.28  180.96  190.98  191.12  194.99  195.70  195.79  195.97  196.13  
Eval: D       S                                       S                       D       D       D       S       S       S               S       S                       I       I               S       S                                   D                 D       S       S           S                               S                                               

Speaker sentences   1:  5555-b   utt# 8 of 9
id: (5555-b-0008)
File: 5555
Channel: b
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 21 10 15 9
REF:  **      PAST    that    ***     ***     **      but     UM      i       ****    THAT    i       know    there's a       lot     of      OTHER   people  OUT     THERE   PROBABLY DO      A       GOOD    JOB     HERE    i       think   THAT'S  it      *****   *****   **      IS      this    like    A       VERY    SHORT   call    I       DID     TOO     well    it      was     nice    ****    TALKING to      YOU     YOU     TOO     BYE     
R_T1:         196.14  196.54                          196.79  197.10  197.21          197.63  197.90  198.02  198.16  198.31  198.37  198.53  198.57  198.77  199.06  199.30  200.28   200.58  200.69  200.77  200.98  201.20  206.60  206.77  207.01  207.29                          207.46  207.62  207.79  207.96  208.05  208.27  208.53  216.34  216.56  216.74  218.52  218.64  218.76  218.92          219.17  219.56  219.70  221.86  222.11  222.79  
R_T2:         196.54  196.76                          197.10  197.20  197.34          197.89  198.02  198.16  198.31  198.37  198.53  198.57  198.72  199.05  199.30  199.47  200.58   200.69  200.76  200.98  201.20  201.38  206.74  207.01  207.28  207.45                          207.62  207.79  207.96  208.05  208.27  208.53  208.76  216.56  216.73  216.87  218.64  218.76  218.92  219.16          219.55  219.70  219.90  222.11  222.41  223.11  
HYP:  TO      AND     that    AND     PUT     IT      but     **      i       HAVE    TO      i       know    there's a       lot     of      THE     people  ***     *****   ******** **      *       ****    ***     THAT    i       think   ******  it      COULD   COUNT   TO      DO      this    like    OF      THEY    SURE    call    *       ***     YEAH    well    it      was     nice    TALK    IT      to      ***     ***     ***     ***     
H_T1: 196.13  196.22  196.52  196.72  196.80  196.95  197.06          197.24  197.30  197.65  197.93  198.01  198.16  198.33  198.36  198.55  198.63  198.72                                                           199.03  200.24  200.41          200.63  200.76  200.93  206.89  207.23  207.53  207.78  207.98  208.07  208.27  208.46                  217.46  218.49  218.66  218.75  218.92  219.14  221.82  222.09                                  
H_T2: 196.22  196.46  196.72  196.80  196.95  197.06  197.24          197.30  197.65  197.80  198.01  198.16  198.33  198.36  198.55  198.63  198.72  199.03                                                           199.21  200.41  200.63          200.76  200.93  201.18  207.05  207.53  207.78  207.98  208.07  208.27  208.46  208.75                  217.70  218.66  218.75  218.92  219.14  219.39  222.09  222.32                                  
Eval: I       S               I       I       I               D               I       S                                                       S               D       D       D        D       D       D       D       S                       D               I       I       I       S                       S       S       S               D       D       S                                       I       S               D       D       D       D