test1e.spk.4t0 6.61 KB
     of ./csrnab.hyp


 sentences                                          15
 with errors                             86.7%   (  13)

   with substitions                      86.7%   (  13)
   with deletions                        26.7%   (   4)
   with insertions                       46.7%   (   7)


Percent Total Error       =   18.6%   (  85)

Percent Correct           =   84.1%   ( 385)

Percent Substitution      =   14.0%   (  64)
Percent Deletions         =    2.0%   (   9)
Percent Insertions        =    2.6%   (  12)
Percent Word Accuracy     =   81.4%

Ref. words                =           ( 458)
Hyp. words                =           ( 461)
Aligned words             =           ( 470)

CONFUSION PAIRS                  Total                 (64)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (64)

   1:    1  ->  a ==> to
   2:    1  ->  administered ==> minister
   3:    1  ->  at ==> and
   4:    1  ->  at ==> the
   5:    1  ->  botched ==> posh
   6:    1  ->  correct ==> trek
   7:    1  ->  costing ==> causing
   8:    1  ->  data ==> dated
   9:    1  ->  day's ==> is
  10:    1  ->  deadlines ==> airlines
  11:    1  ->  direct ==> director
  12:    1  ->  disheartening ==> tightening
  13:    1  ->  dollar ==> lure
  14:    1  ->  effected ==> effective
  15:    1  ->  eight ==> mae
  16:    1  ->  either ==> into
  17:    1  ->  entrusted ==> infested
  18:    1  ->  eyes ==> eye
  19:    1  ->  fess ==> fast
  20:    1  ->  fidelity ==> fidelity's
  21:    1  ->  for ==> freed
  22:    1  ->  from ==> of
  23:    1  ->  fund ==> different
  24:    1  ->  fund ==> find
  25:    1  ->  fund ==> refund
  26:    1  ->  funds ==> some
  27:    1  ->  have ==> it
  28:    1  ->  incorrect ==> increased
  29:    1  ->  it ==> they
  30:    1  ->  its ==> it's
  31:    1  ->  jamieson ==> and
  32:    1  ->  jane ==> genius
  33:    1  ->  lied ==> relied
  34:    1  ->  listed ==> illicit
  35:    1  ->  money ==> many
  36:    1  ->  newspaper ==> byrd
  37:    1  ->  newspapers ==> praised
  38:    1  ->  normally ==> early
  39:    1  ->  problem ==> pal
  40:    1  ->  report ==> reports
  41:    1  ->  self ==> south
  42:    1  ->  shared ==> insured
  43:    1  ->  some ==> a
  44:    1  ->  someone ==> on
  45:    1  ->  standard ==> if
  46:    1  ->  the ==> a
  47:    1  ->  the ==> today
  48:    1  ->  their ==> little
  49:    1  ->  though ==> the
  50:    1  ->  titan ==> tighten
  51:    1  ->  to ==> florida
  52:    1  ->  to ==> too
  53:    1  ->  to ==> two
  54:    1  ->  trillion ==> to
  55:    1  ->  two ==> trying
  56:    1  ->  unknowingly ==> the
  57:    1  ->  unsavory ==> save
  58:    1  ->  up ==> that
  59:    1  ->  wasn't ==> was
  60:    1  ->  were ==> and
  61:    1  ->  were ==> for
  62:    1  ->  who ==> and
  63:    1  ->  who ==> to
  64:    1  ->  would ==> but

INSERTIONS                       Total                 (12)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (12)

   1:    1  ->  a
   2:    1  ->  and
   3:    1  ->  funds'
   4:    1  ->  jean
   5:    1  ->  knowing
   6:    1  ->  mr.
   7:    1  ->  mystery
   8:    1  ->  new
   9:    1  ->  on
  10:    1  ->  stunned
  11:    1  ->  the
  12:    1  ->  this

DELETIONS                        Total                 (8)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (8)

   1:    2  ->  and
   2:    1  ->  at
   3:    1  ->  blow
   4:    1  ->  if
   5:    1  ->  looked
   6:    1  ->  the
   7:    1  ->  they
   8:    1  ->  were

SUBSTITUTIONS                    Total                 (56)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (56)

   1:    3  ->  fund
   2:    3  ->  to
   3:    2  ->  at
   4:    2  ->  the
   5:    2  ->  were
   6:    2  ->  who
   7:    1  ->  a
   8:    1  ->  administered
   9:    1  ->  botched
  10:    1  ->  correct
  11:    1  ->  costing
  12:    1  ->  data
  13:    1  ->  day's
  14:    1  ->  deadlines
  15:    1  ->  direct
  16:    1  ->  disheartening
  17:    1  ->  dollar
  18:    1  ->  effected
  19:    1  ->  eight
  20:    1  ->  either
  21:    1  ->  entrusted
  22:    1  ->  eyes
  23:    1  ->  fess
  24:    1  ->  fidelity
  25:    1  ->  for
  26:    1  ->  from
  27:    1  ->  funds
  28:    1  ->  have
  29:    1  ->  incorrect
  30:    1  ->  it
  31:    1  ->  its
  32:    1  ->  jamieson
  33:    1  ->  jane
  34:    1  ->  lied
  35:    1  ->  listed
  36:    1  ->  money
  37:    1  ->  newspaper
  38:    1  ->  newspapers
  39:    1  ->  normally
  40:    1  ->  problem
  41:    1  ->  report
  42:    1  ->  self
  43:    1  ->  shared
  44:    1  ->  some
  45:    1  ->  someone
  46:    1  ->  standard
  47:    1  ->  their
  48:    1  ->  though
  49:    1  ->  titan
  50:    1  ->  trillion
  51:    1  ->  two
  52:    1  ->  unknowingly
  53:    1  ->  unsavory
  54:    1  ->  up
  55:    1  ->  wasn't
  56:    1  ->  would

* NOTE: The 'Substitution' words are those reference words
        for which the recognizer supplied an incorrect word.

FALSELY RECOGNIZED               Total                 (56)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (56)

   1:    4  ->  and
   2:    3  ->  the
   3:    3  ->  to
   4:    2  ->  a
   5:    1  ->  airlines
   6:    1  ->  but
   7:    1  ->  byrd
   8:    1  ->  causing
   9:    1  ->  dated
  10:    1  ->  different
  11:    1  ->  director
  12:    1  ->  early
  13:    1  ->  effective
  14:    1  ->  eye
  15:    1  ->  fast
  16:    1  ->  fidelity's
  17:    1  ->  find
  18:    1  ->  florida
  19:    1  ->  for
  20:    1  ->  freed
  21:    1  ->  genius
  22:    1  ->  if
  23:    1  ->  illicit
  24:    1  ->  increased
  25:    1  ->  infested
  26:    1  ->  insured
  27:    1  ->  into
  28:    1  ->  is
  29:    1  ->  it
  30:    1  ->  it's
  31:    1  ->  little
  32:    1  ->  lure
  33:    1  ->  mae
  34:    1  ->  many
  35:    1  ->  minister
  36:    1  ->  of
  37:    1  ->  on
  38:    1  ->  pal
  39:    1  ->  posh
  40:    1  ->  praised
  41:    1  ->  refund
  42:    1  ->  relied
  43:    1  ->  reports
  44:    1  ->  save
  45:    1  ->  some
  46:    1  ->  south
  47:    1  ->  that
  48:    1  ->  they
  49:    1  ->  tighten
  50:    1  ->  tightening
  51:    1  ->  today
  52:    1  ->  too
  53:    1  ->  trek
  54:    1  ->  trying
  55:    1  ->  two
  56:    1  ->  was

* NOTE: The 'Falsely Recognized' words are those hypothesis words
        which the recognizer incorrectly substituted for a reference word.