test1e.spk.4t1 4.22 KB
     of ./csrnab.hyp


 sentences                                          21
 with errors                             57.1%   (  12)

   with substitions                      47.6%   (  10)
   with deletions                        14.3%   (   3)
   with insertions                       19.0%   (   4)


Percent Total Error       =    7.2%   (  39)

Percent Correct           =   93.6%   ( 509)

Percent Substitution      =    5.9%   (  32)
Percent Deletions         =    0.6%   (   3)
Percent Insertions        =    0.7%   (   4)
Percent Word Accuracy     =   92.8%

Ref. words                =           ( 544)
Hyp. words                =           ( 545)
Aligned words             =           ( 548)

CONFUSION PAIRS                  Total                 (32)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (32)

   1:    1  ->  and ==> institutions
   2:    1  ->  architect ==> arctic
   3:    1  ->  brooks ==> brock's
   4:    1  ->  certain ==> and
   5:    1  ->  data ==> state
   6:    1  ->  do ==> widest
   7:    1  ->  drop ==> job
   8:    1  ->  dropped ==> drop
   9:    1  ->  effete ==> the
  10:    1  ->  frank ==> franc
  11:    1  ->  from ==> ralston
  12:    1  ->  funds ==> fund
  13:    1  ->  in ==> and
  14:    1  ->  institutional ==> or
  15:    1  ->  june ==> aegean
  16:    1  ->  newsletter's ==> newsletter
  17:    1  ->  offsetting ==> setting
  18:    1  ->  on ==> in
  19:    1  ->  oneself ==> one
  20:    1  ->  or ==> our
  21:    1  ->  peeve ==> cut
  22:    1  ->  peeve ==> plea
  23:    1  ->  piece ==> p.'s
  24:    1  ->  public ==> republic
  25:    1  ->  reach ==> reached
  26:    1  ->  their ==> the
  27:    1  ->  three ==> south
  28:    1  ->  why ==> the
  29:    1  ->  withdrawals ==> which
  30:    1  ->  withdrew ==> jury
  31:    1  ->  wright ==> write
  32:    1  ->  zero ==> seven

INSERTIONS                       Total                 (4)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (4)

   1:    1  ->  and
   2:    1  ->  are
   3:    1  ->  if
   4:    1  ->  with

DELETIONS                        Total                 (3)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (3)

   1:    1  ->  of
   2:    1  ->  pet
   3:    1  ->  were

SUBSTITUTIONS                    Total                 (31)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (31)

   1:    2  ->  peeve
   2:    1  ->  and
   3:    1  ->  architect
   4:    1  ->  brooks
   5:    1  ->  certain
   6:    1  ->  data
   7:    1  ->  do
   8:    1  ->  drop
   9:    1  ->  dropped
  10:    1  ->  effete
  11:    1  ->  frank
  12:    1  ->  from
  13:    1  ->  funds
  14:    1  ->  in
  15:    1  ->  institutional
  16:    1  ->  june
  17:    1  ->  newsletter's
  18:    1  ->  offsetting
  19:    1  ->  on
  20:    1  ->  oneself
  21:    1  ->  or
  22:    1  ->  piece
  23:    1  ->  public
  24:    1  ->  reach
  25:    1  ->  their
  26:    1  ->  three
  27:    1  ->  why
  28:    1  ->  withdrawals
  29:    1  ->  withdrew
  30:    1  ->  wright
  31:    1  ->  zero

* NOTE: The 'Substitution' words are those reference words
        for which the recognizer supplied an incorrect word.

FALSELY RECOGNIZED               Total                 (29)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (29)

   1:    3  ->  the
   2:    2  ->  and
   3:    1  ->  aegean
   4:    1  ->  arctic
   5:    1  ->  brock's
   6:    1  ->  cut
   7:    1  ->  drop
   8:    1  ->  franc
   9:    1  ->  fund
  10:    1  ->  in
  11:    1  ->  institutions
  12:    1  ->  job
  13:    1  ->  jury
  14:    1  ->  newsletter
  15:    1  ->  one
  16:    1  ->  or
  17:    1  ->  our
  18:    1  ->  p.'s
  19:    1  ->  plea
  20:    1  ->  ralston
  21:    1  ->  reached
  22:    1  ->  republic
  23:    1  ->  setting
  24:    1  ->  seven
  25:    1  ->  south
  26:    1  ->  state
  27:    1  ->  which
  28:    1  ->  widest
  29:    1  ->  write

* NOTE: The 'Falsely Recognized' words are those hypothesis words
        which the recognizer incorrectly substituted for a reference word.