3.04 KB
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use File::Basename;

open(T, "<", "$trans") || die "Can't open transcripts file";
open(R, "|sort >$reco") || die "Can't open reco2file_and_channel file $!";
open(O, ">$tmpdir/text.1") || die "Can't open text file for writing";
open(G, ">$tmpdir/spk2gendertmp") || die "Can't open the speaker to gender map file";
while (<T>) {
	$file = $_;
	m:([^/]+)\.txt: || die "Bad filename $_";
	$call_id = $1;
	print R "$call_id-A $call_id A\n";
	print R "$call_id-B $call_id B\n";
	open(I, "<$file") || die "Opening file $_";
	#Now read each line and extract information
	while (<I>) {
        #814.71 815.39 A: la ana baqu-
        if ($_ eq "") {
		my @stringComponents = split(":");
        my @timeInfo = split(" ", $stringComponents[0]);
        $stringComponents[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ;
        my $words = $stringComponents[1];
		#Check number of components in this array
		if ((scalar @stringComponents) >= 2) {
			$start = sprintf("%06d", $timeInfo[0] * 100);
			$end = sprintf("%06d", $timeInfo[1] * 100);
			length($end) > 6 && die "Time too long $end in $file";
            $side = "A";
            if (index($timeInfo[2], "B") != -1) {
                $side = "B";
			$utt_id = "${call_id}-$side-$start-$end";
			$speaker_id = "${call_id}-$side";
            # All speakers are treated as male because speaker gender info 
            # is missing in this file
			$gender = "m";
			print G "$speaker_id $gender\n" || die "Error writing to speaker2gender file";
            $words =~ s|\[\[[^]]*\]\]||g;    #removes comments
            $words =~ s|\{laugh\}|\$laughter\$|g;    # replaces laughter tmp
            $words =~ s|\{[^}]*\}|\[noise\]|g;       # replaces noise
            $words =~ s|\[/*([^]]*)\]|\[noise\]|g;   # replaces end of noise
            $words =~ s|\$laughter\$|\[laughter\]|g; # replaces laughter again
            $words =~ s|\(\(([^)]*)\)\)|\1|g;        # replaces unintelligible speech
            $words =~ s|//([^/]*)//|\1|g;        # replaces aside speech
            $words =~ s|\*\*([^\*]*)\*\*|\1|g;        # replaces aside speech
            $words =~ s|#([^)]*)#|\1|g;        # replaces unintelligible speech
            $words =~ s|<\?([^>]*)>|\1|g;             # for unrecognized language
            $words =~ s|<\s*\S*\s*([^>]*)>|\1|g;        # replaces foreign text
            $words =~ s|~||g;
            $words =~ s|\(\S\)||g;                  # tEh marbUta "B"
            $words =~ s|&||g;                       # Proper noun marker removed
            $words =~ s|(\S+)%(\S*)|\1<ext>\2|g;
            $words =~ s|%(\S*)|[hes]|g;        # Takes care of hesitations
            $words =~ s|<ext>|%|g;
            $words =~ s|-*||g;                      # Removes hyphens 
            $words =~ s|\?||g;
            #$words =~ s|(\S*)B|\1B=1|g;
			print O "$utt_id $words\n" || die "Error writing to text file";