DETAILED OVERALL REPORT FOR THE SYSTEM: ./csrnab.hyp SENTENCE RECOGNITION PERFORMANCE sentences 51 with errors 74.5% ( 38) with substitions 70.6% ( 36) with deletions 13.7% ( 7) with insertions 33.3% ( 17) WORD RECOGNITION PERFORMANCE Percent Total Error = 12.0% ( 169) Percent Correct = 89.8% (1263) Percent Substitution = 9.3% ( 131) Percent Deletions = 0.9% ( 12) Percent Insertions = 1.8% ( 26) Percent Word Accuracy = 88.0% Ref. words = (1406) Hyp. words = (1420) Aligned words = (1432) CONFUSION PAIRS Total (128) With >= 1 occurances (128) 1: 3 -> a ==> the 2: 2 -> cott ==> khan 3: 1 -> a ==> to 4: 1 -> administered ==> minister 5: 1 -> analysts ==> now 6: 1 -> and ==> institutions 7: 1 -> architect ==> arctic 8: 1 -> are ==> sister 9: 1 -> at ==> and 10: 1 -> at ==> of 11: 1 -> at ==> the 12: 1 -> beaubien ==> and 13: 1 -> botched ==> posh 14: 1 -> brooks ==> brock's 15: 1 -> certain ==> and 16: 1 -> closed ==> close 17: 1 -> collapses ==> collapse 18: 1 -> correct ==> trek 19: 1 -> costing ==> causing 20: 1 -> cott ==> car 21: 1 -> cott ==> card 22: 1 -> cott ==> court 23: 1 -> cott ==> koch 24: 1 -> cott's ==> cops 25: 1 -> cott's ==> cox 26: 1 -> data ==> dated 27: 1 -> data ==> state 28: 1 -> day's ==> is 29: 1 -> deadlines ==> airlines 30: 1 -> direct ==> director 31: 1 -> disheartening ==> tightening 32: 1 -> do ==> widest 33: 1 -> dollar ==> lure 34: 1 -> drop ==> job 35: 1 -> dropped ==> drop 36: 1 -> effected ==> effective 37: 1 -> effete ==> the 38: 1 -> eight ==> mae 39: 1 -> either ==> into 40: 1 -> entrusted ==> infested 41: 1 -> eyes ==> eye 42: 1 -> fess ==> fast 43: 1 -> fidelity ==> fidelity's 44: 1 -> for ==> freed 45: 1 -> fourteen ==> forty 46: 1 -> frank ==> franc 47: 1 -> from ==> of 48: 1 -> from ==> ralston 49: 1 -> fund ==> different 50: 1 -> fund ==> find 51: 1 -> fund ==> refund 52: 1 -> funds ==> fund 53: 1 -> funds ==> some 54: 1 -> geoffrion ==> jaffray 55: 1 -> have ==> it 56: 1 -> in ==> and 57: 1 -> incorrect ==> increased 58: 1 -> institutional ==> or 59: 1 -> it ==> they 60: 1 -> its ==> it's 61: 1 -> jamieson ==> and 62: 1 -> jane ==> genius 63: 1 -> june ==> aegean 64: 1 -> kavafian ==> in 65: 1 -> levesque ==> gobie 66: 1 -> lied ==> relied 67: 1 -> listed ==> illicit 68: 1 -> mesmerized ==> rise 69: 1 -> misinformation ==> information 70: 1 -> money ==> many 71: 1 -> newsletter's ==> newsletter 72: 1 -> newspaper ==> byrd 73: 1 -> newspapers ==> praised 74: 1 -> normally ==> early 75: 1 -> of ==> is 76: 1 -> offsetting ==> setting 77: 1 -> on ==> in 78: 1 -> oneself ==> one 79: 1 -> or ==> our 80: 1 -> peeve ==> cut 81: 1 -> peeve ==> plea 82: 1 -> pencer ==> are 83: 1 -> pencer ==> spencer 84: 1 -> piece ==> p.'s 85: 1 -> problem ==> pal 86: 1 -> public ==> republic 87: 1 -> reach ==> reached 88: 1 -> report ==> reports 89: 1 -> roman ==> roaming 90: 1 -> self ==> south 91: 1 -> shared ==> insured 92: 1 -> shares' ==> shares 93: 1 -> some ==> a 94: 1 -> someone ==> on 95: 1 -> standard ==> if 96: 1 -> that ==> the 97: 1 -> the ==> a 98: 1 -> the ==> today 99: 1 -> their ==> little 100: 1 -> their ==> the 101: 1 -> though ==> the 102: 1 -> three ==> south 103: 1 -> titan ==> tighten 104: 1 -> to ==> florida 105: 1 -> to ==> too 106: 1 -> to ==> two 107: 1 -> trillion ==> to 108: 1 -> two ==> trying 109: 1 -> united ==> night 110: 1 -> united ==> nine 111: 1 -> unknowingly ==> the 112: 1 -> unorthodox ==> orthodox 113: 1 -> unsavory ==> save 114: 1 -> up ==> that 115: 1 -> wasn't ==> was 116: 1 -> weil ==> wild 117: 1 -> were ==> and 118: 1 -> were ==> for 119: 1 -> while ==> was 120: 1 -> who ==> and 121: 1 -> who ==> to 122: 1 -> whose ==> was 123: 1 -> why ==> the 124: 1 -> withdrawals ==> which 125: 1 -> withdrew ==> jury 126: 1 -> would ==> but 127: 1 -> wright ==> write 128: 1 -> zero ==> seven ------- 131 INSERTIONS Total (22) With >= 1 occurances (22) 1: 3 -> a 2: 2 -> and 3: 2 -> the 4: 1 -> an 5: 1 -> are 6: 1 -> desk 7: 1 -> funds' 8: 1 -> if 9: 1 -> jean 10: 1 -> knowing 11: 1 -> mafia 12: 1 -> meant 13: 1 -> mr. 14: 1 -> ms. 15: 1 -> mystery 16: 1 -> new 17: 1 -> of 18: 1 -> on 19: 1 -> pence 20: 1 -> stunned 21: 1 -> this 22: 1 -> with ------- 26 DELETIONS Total (10) With >= 1 occurances (10) 1: 2 -> and 2: 2 -> were 3: 1 -> at 4: 1 -> blow 5: 1 -> if 6: 1 -> looked 7: 1 -> of 8: 1 -> pet 9: 1 -> the 10: 1 -> they ------- 12 SUBSTITUTIONS Total (106) With >= 1 occurances (106) 1: 6 -> cott 2: 4 -> a 3: 3 -> at 4: 3 -> fund 5: 3 -> to 6: 2 -> cott's 7: 2 -> data 8: 2 -> from 9: 2 -> funds 10: 2 -> peeve 11: 2 -> pencer 12: 2 -> the 13: 2 -> their 14: 2 -> united 15: 2 -> were 16: 2 -> who 17: 1 -> administered 18: 1 -> analysts 19: 1 -> and 20: 1 -> architect 21: 1 -> are 22: 1 -> beaubien 23: 1 -> botched 24: 1 -> brooks 25: 1 -> certain 26: 1 -> closed 27: 1 -> collapses 28: 1 -> correct 29: 1 -> costing 30: 1 -> day's 31: 1 -> deadlines 32: 1 -> direct 33: 1 -> disheartening 34: 1 -> do 35: 1 -> dollar 36: 1 -> drop 37: 1 -> dropped 38: 1 -> effected 39: 1 -> effete 40: 1 -> eight 41: 1 -> either 42: 1 -> entrusted 43: 1 -> eyes 44: 1 -> fess 45: 1 -> fidelity 46: 1 -> for 47: 1 -> fourteen 48: 1 -> frank 49: 1 -> geoffrion 50: 1 -> have 51: 1 -> in 52: 1 -> incorrect 53: 1 -> institutional 54: 1 -> it 55: 1 -> its 56: 1 -> jamieson 57: 1 -> jane 58: 1 -> june 59: 1 -> kavafian 60: 1 -> levesque 61: 1 -> lied 62: 1 -> listed 63: 1 -> mesmerized 64: 1 -> misinformation 65: 1 -> money 66: 1 -> newsletter's 67: 1 -> newspaper 68: 1 -> newspapers 69: 1 -> normally 70: 1 -> of 71: 1 -> offsetting 72: 1 -> on 73: 1 -> oneself 74: 1 -> or 75: 1 -> piece 76: 1 -> problem 77: 1 -> public 78: 1 -> reach 79: 1 -> report 80: 1 -> roman 81: 1 -> self 82: 1 -> shared 83: 1 -> shares' 84: 1 -> some 85: 1 -> someone 86: 1 -> standard 87: 1 -> that 88: 1 -> though 89: 1 -> three 90: 1 -> titan 91: 1 -> trillion 92: 1 -> two 93: 1 -> unknowingly 94: 1 -> unorthodox 95: 1 -> unsavory 96: 1 -> up 97: 1 -> wasn't 98: 1 -> weil 99: 1 -> while 100: 1 -> whose 101: 1 -> why 102: 1 -> withdrawals 103: 1 -> withdrew 104: 1 -> would 105: 1 -> wright 106: 1 -> zero ------- 131 * NOTE: The 'Substitution' words are those reference words for which the recognizer supplied an incorrect word. FALSELY RECOGNIZED Total (106) With >= 1 occurances (106) 1: 10 -> the 2: 7 -> and 3: 3 -> to 4: 3 -> was 5: 2 -> a 6: 2 -> in 7: 2 -> is 8: 2 -> khan 9: 2 -> of 10: 2 -> south 11: 1 -> aegean 12: 1 -> airlines 13: 1 -> arctic 14: 1 -> are 15: 1 -> brock's 16: 1 -> but 17: 1 -> byrd 18: 1 -> car 19: 1 -> card 20: 1 -> causing 21: 1 -> close 22: 1 -> collapse 23: 1 -> cops 24: 1 -> court 25: 1 -> cox 26: 1 -> cut 27: 1 -> dated 28: 1 -> different 29: 1 -> director 30: 1 -> drop 31: 1 -> early 32: 1 -> effective 33: 1 -> eye 34: 1 -> fast 35: 1 -> fidelity's 36: 1 -> find 37: 1 -> florida 38: 1 -> for 39: 1 -> forty 40: 1 -> franc 41: 1 -> freed 42: 1 -> fund 43: 1 -> genius 44: 1 -> gobie 45: 1 -> if 46: 1 -> illicit 47: 1 -> increased 48: 1 -> infested 49: 1 -> information 50: 1 -> institutions 51: 1 -> insured 52: 1 -> into 53: 1 -> it 54: 1 -> it's 55: 1 -> jaffray 56: 1 -> job 57: 1 -> jury 58: 1 -> koch 59: 1 -> little 60: 1 -> lure 61: 1 -> mae 62: 1 -> many 63: 1 -> minister 64: 1 -> newsletter 65: 1 -> night 66: 1 -> nine 67: 1 -> now 68: 1 -> on 69: 1 -> one 70: 1 -> or 71: 1 -> orthodox 72: 1 -> our 73: 1 -> p.'s 74: 1 -> pal 75: 1 -> plea 76: 1 -> posh 77: 1 -> praised 78: 1 -> ralston 79: 1 -> reached 80: 1 -> refund 81: 1 -> relied 82: 1 -> reports 83: 1 -> republic 84: 1 -> rise 85: 1 -> roaming 86: 1 -> save 87: 1 -> setting 88: 1 -> seven 89: 1 -> shares 90: 1 -> sister 91: 1 -> some 92: 1 -> spencer 93: 1 -> state 94: 1 -> that 95: 1 -> they 96: 1 -> tighten 97: 1 -> tightening 98: 1 -> today 99: 1 -> too 100: 1 -> trek 101: 1 -> trying 102: 1 -> two 103: 1 -> which 104: 1 -> widest 105: 1 -> wild 106: 1 -> write ------- 131 * NOTE: The 'Falsely Recognized' words are those hypothesis words which the recognizer incorrectly substituted for a reference word.
,-------------------------------------------------------------------. | System: ./lvc_hyp.ctm | | | | Overall -> Overall Scores | | With Alt -> Segments Containing Alternations | | NO Alt -> Segments Without Alternations | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | || Alternations | |-------------+-----------------++-----------------+----------------| | SPKR | Overall || With Alt | NO Alt | | | #Wrd %WE || #Wrd %WE | #Wrd %WE | |-------------+-----------------++-----------------+----------------| | 2347-a | [250] 51.2 || [124] 45.2 | [126] 57.1 | |-------------+-----------------++-----------------+----------------| | 2347-b | [637] 43.6 || [442] 37.8 | [195] 56.9 | |-------------+-----------------++-----------------+----------------| | 3129-a | [188] 89.4 || [108] 90.7 | [80] 87.5 | |-------------+-----------------++-----------------+----------------| | 3129-b | [704] 51.6 || [635] 52.0 | [69] 47.8 | |===================================================================| | Set Sum/Avg | [1779] 52.7 || [1309] 49.7 | [470] 60.9 | |-------------+-----------------++-----------------+----------------| | Mean | [444] 58.9 || [327] 56.4 | [117] 62.3 | | StdDev | [263] 20.6 || [256] 23.6 | [57] 17.3 | | | || | | | Median | [443] 51.4 || [283] 48.6 | [103] 57.0 | `-------------------------------------------------------------------'
DUMP OF SYSTEM ALIGNMENT STRUCTURE System name: ./csrnab.hyp Speakers: 0: 4t0 1: 4t1 2: 4t2 Speaker sentences 0: 4t0 #utts: 15 id: (4t0c0201) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 25 0 0 0 REF: as competition in the mutual fund business grows increasingly intense more players in the industry appear willing to sacrifice integrity in the name of performance HYP: as competition in the mutual fund business grows increasingly intense more players in the industry appear willing to sacrifice integrity in the name of performance Eval: id: (4t0c0202) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 14 7 0 1 REF: FOR A TWO TRILLION DOLLAR business built on public confidence this trend is **** DISHEARTENING AT best and downright dangerous at worst HYP: FREED TO TRYING TO LURE business built on public confidence this trend is THIS TIGHTENING AND best and downright dangerous at worst Eval: S S S S S I S S id: (4t0c0203) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 34 3 1 1 REF: so far this year the industry slide has been apparent in allegations of insider trading by fund managers *** UNSAVORY FUND sales practices at banks and THE use of high risk derivative securities in NORMALLY conservative money market funds HYP: so far this year the industry slide has been apparent in allegations of insider trading by fund managers AND SAVE REFUND sales practices at banks and *** use of high risk derivative securities in EARLY conservative money market funds Eval: I S S D S
NIST_TEXT_ALIGNMENT VERSION 0.1 DUMP OF SYSTEM ALIGNMENT STRUCTURE System name: ./lvc_hyp.ctm Ref file: ./lvc_ref.stm Hyp file: ./lvc_hyp.ctm Speaker Count: 4 Speakers: 0: 2347-a 1: 2347-b 2: 3129-a 3: 3129-b Utterance Label definitions: Category: id: "0" title: "" description: "" Category: id: "1" title: "Alternations" description: "Segments W or W/O Alternations" Label: id: "O" title: "Overall" description: "Overall Scores" Label: id: "WA" title: "With Alt" description: "Segments Containing Alternations" Label: id: "NA" title: "NO Alt" description: "Segments Without Alternations" Speaker sentences 0: 2347-a #utts: 16 id: (2347-a-000) Labels:Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 4 3 0 1 Ref times: t1= 1.06 t2= 3.47 REF: **** I'VE UM as far as i'm CONCERNED HYP: THEY PRIDE ABOUT as far as i'm I H_T1: 0.05 1.02 1.65 1.94 2.12 2.38 2.48 2.83 H_T2: 0.29 1.31 1.93 2.11 2.37 2.47 2.82 3.47 Eval: I S S S id: (2347-a-001) Labels: Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 15 4 0 2 Ref times: t1= 3.47 t2= 11.04 REF: I FIND THAT the young women have lost so much *** because they have become more aggressive and more **** DOMINATING HYP: ARE FINE BUT the young women have lost so much TOO because they have become more aggressive and more JOBS NEEDING H_T1: 3.48 3.69 4.17 4.38 4.44 4.81 5.18 5.46 5.87 6.18 7.28 7.42 7.99 8.15 8.32 8.78 9.20 9.81 10.02 10.22 10.60 H_T2: 3.68 4.16 4.37 4.43 4.80 5.17 5.45 5.86 6.17 6.81 7.41 7.98 8.14 8.31 8.77 9.19 9.80 10.01 10.21 10.59 11.05 Eval: S S S I I S id: (2347-a-002) Labels: Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 0 0 0 17 Ref times: t1= 11.06 t2= 15.84 REF: ** *** * ***** **** ***** ***** **** ****** ***** * ******** ******* *** *** *** ****** HYP: IT AND I THINK THAT COMES ABOUT FROM CALLED BEING A DEFINITE FACTORY AND THE JOB MARKET H_T1: 11.06 11.14 11.28 11.40 11.71 11.93 12.33 12.68 13.01 13.32 13.73 13.80 14.33 14.90 15.06 15.12 15.47 H_T2: 11.13 11.27 11.39 11.70 11.92 12.32 12.67 13.00 13.31 13.72 13.79 14.32 14.89 15.05 15.11 15.46 15.83 Eval: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER ,--------------------------------------------------------------. | ./csrnab.hyp | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | SPKR | # Snt # Wrd | Corr Sub Del Ins Err S.Err | |------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t0 | 15 458 | 385 64 9 12 85 13 | |------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t1 | 21 544 | 509 32 3 4 39 12 | |------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t2 | 15 404 | 369 35 0 10 45 13 | |==============================================================| | Sum | 51 1406 | 1263 131 12 26 169 38 | |==============================================================| | Mean | 17.0 468.7 |421.0 43.7 4.0 8.7 56.3 12.7 | | S.D. | 3.5 70.6 | 76.6 17.7 4.6 4.2 25.0 0.6 | |Median| 15.0 458.0 |385.0 35.0 3.0 10.0 45.0 13.0 | `--------------------------------------------------------------'
<SYSTEM title="csrnab.hyp" ref_fname="csrnab.ref" hyp_fname="csrnab.hyp" creation_date="Thu Oct 17 10:41:57 1996" format="2.0"> <SPEAKER id="4t0"> <PATH id="(4t0c0201)" word_cnt="25"> C,"as","as":C,"competition","competition":C,"in","in":C,"the","the":C,"mutual","mutual":C,"fund","fund":C,"business","business":C,"grows","grows":C,"increasingly","increasingly":C,"intense","intense":C,"more","more":C,"players","players":C,"in","in":C,"the","the":C,"industry","industry":C,"appear","appear":C,"willing","willing":C,"to","to":C,"sacrifice","sacrifice":C,"integrity","integrity":C,"in","in":C,"the","the":C,"name","name":C,"of","of":C,"performance","performance" </PATH> <PATH id="(4t0c0202)" word_cnt="22"> S,"for","freed":S,"a","to":S,"two","trying":S,"trillion","to":S,"dollar","lure":C,"business","business":C,"built","built":C,"on","on":C,"public","public":C,"confidence","confidence":C,"this","this":C,"trend","trend":C,"is","is":I,,"this":S,"disheartening","tightening":S,"at","and":C,"best","best":C,"and","and":C,"downright","downright":C,"dangerous","dangerous":C,"at","at":C,"worst","worst" </PATH> <PATH id="(4t0c0203)" word_cnt="39"> C,"so","so":C,"far","far":C,"this","this":C,"year","year":C,"the","the":C,"industry","industry":C,"slide","slide":C,"has","has":C,"been","been":C,"apparent","apparent":C,"in","in":C,"allegations","allegations":C,"of","of":C,"insider","insider":C,"trading","trading":C,"by","by":C,"fund","fund":C,"managers","managers":I,,"and":S,"unsavory","save":S,"fund","refund":C,"sales","sales":C,"practices","practices":C,"at","at":C,"banks","banks":C,"and","and":D,"the",:C,"use","use":C,"of","of":C,"high","high":C,"risk","risk":C,"derivative","derivative":C,"securities","securities":C,"in","in":S,"normally","early":C,"conservative","conservative":C,"money","money":C,"market","market":C,"funds","funds" </PATH> </SPEAKER> </SYSTEM>
=============================================================================== SENTENCE LEVEL REPORT FOR THE SYSTEM: Name: ./csrnab.hyp =============================================================================== SPEAKER 4t0 id: (4t0c0201) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 25 0 0 0 REF: as competition in the mutual fund business grows increasingly intense more players in the industry appear HYP: as competition in the mutual fund business grows increasingly intense more players in the industry appear Eval: >> REF: willing to sacrifice integrity in the name of performance >> HYP: willing to sacrifice integrity in the name of performance >> Eval: Correct = 100.0% 25 ( 25) Substitutions = 0.0% 0 ( 0) Deletions = 0.0% 0 ( 0) Insertions = 0.0% 0 ( 0) Errors = 0.0% 0 ( 0) Ref. words = 25 ( 25) Hyp. words = 25 ( 25) Aligned words = 25 ( 25) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- id: (4t0c0202) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 14 7 0 1 REF: FOR A TWO TRILLION DOLLAR business built on public confidence this trend is **** DISHEARTENING AT best HYP: FREED TO TRYING TO LURE business built on public confidence this trend is THIS TIGHTENING AND best Eval: S S S S S I S S >> REF: and downright dangerous at worst >> HYP: and downright dangerous at worst >> Eval: Correct = 66.7% 14 ( 39) Substitutions = 33.3% 7 ( 7) Deletions = 0.0% 0 ( 0) Insertions = 4.8% 1 ( 1) Errors = 38.1% 8 ( 8) Ref. words = 21 ( 46) Hyp. words = 22 ( 47) Aligned words = 22 ( 47) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- id: (4t0c0203) Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 34 3 1 1 REF: so far this year the industry slide has been apparent in allegations of insider trading by fund managers *** HYP: so far this year the industry slide has been apparent in allegations of insider trading by fund managers AND Eval: I >> REF: UNSAVORY FUND sales practices at banks and THE use of high risk derivative securities in NORMALLY >> HYP: SAVE REFUND sales practices at banks and *** use of high risk derivative securities in EARLY >> Eval: S S D S >> REF: conservative money market funds >> HYP: conservative money market funds >> Eval: Correct = 89.5% 34 ( 73) Substitutions = 7.9% 3 ( 10) Deletions = 2.6% 1 ( 1) Insertions = 2.6% 1 ( 2) Errors = 13.2% 5 ( 13) Ref. words = 38 ( 84) Hyp. words = 38 ( 85) Aligned words = 39 ( 86)
SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER ,----------------------------------------------------------------. | ./csrnab.hyp | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | SPKR | # Snt # Wrd | Corr Sub Del Ins Err S.Err | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t0 | 15 458 | 84.1 14.0 2.0 2.6 18.6 86.7 | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t1 | 21 544 | 93.6 5.9 0.6 0.7 7.2 57.1 | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t2 | 15 404 | 91.3 8.7 0.0 2.5 11.1 86.7 | |================================================================| | Sum/Avg| 51 1406 | 89.8 9.3 0.9 1.8 12.0 74.5 | |================================================================| | Mean | 17.0 468.7 | 89.7 9.5 0.8 1.9 12.3 76.8 | | S.D. | 3.5 70.6 | 5.0 4.1 1.0 1.0 5.8 17.0 | | Median | 15.0 458.0 | 91.3 8.7 0.6 2.5 11.1 86.7 | `----------------------------------------------------------------'Or, when word confidence scores are present:
SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | ./lvc_hypc.ctm | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SPKR | # Snt # Wrd | Corr Sub Del Ins Err S.Err | NCE | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+--------| | 2347-a | 16 250 | 66.4 24.0 9.6 17.6 51.2 93.8 | 0.256 | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+--------| | 2347-b | 20 637 | 64.8 27.5 7.7 8.5 43.6 100.0 | 0.174 | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+--------| | 3129-a | 5 188 | 33.0 28.2 38.8 22.3 89.4 100.0 | 0.145 | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------+--------| | 3129-b | 20 704 | 52.8 35.8 11.4 4.4 51.6 100.0 | 0.197 | |=========================================================================| | Sum/Avg| 61 1779 | 56.9 30.4 12.7 9.6 52.7 98.4 | 0.205 | |=========================================================================| | Mean | 15.3 444.8 | 54.3 28.9 16.9 13.2 58.9 98.4 | 0.193 | | S.D. | 7.1 263.3 | 15.4 5.0 14.7 8.2 20.6 3.1 | 0.047 | | Median | 18.0 443.5 | 58.8 27.8 10.5 13.0 51.4 100.0 | 0.186 | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
SCORING FOR SPEAKER: 4t0 of ./csrnab.hyp SENTENCE RECOGNITION PERFORMANCE sentences 15 with errors 86.7% ( 13) with substitions 86.7% ( 13) with deletions 26.7% ( 4) with insertions 46.7% ( 7) WORD RECOGNITION PERFORMANCE Percent Total Error = 18.6% ( 85) Percent Correct = 84.1% ( 385) Percent Substitution = 14.0% ( 64) Percent Deletions = 2.0% ( 9) Percent Insertions = 2.6% ( 12) Percent Word Accuracy = 81.4% Ref. words = ( 458) Hyp. words = ( 461) Aligned words = ( 470) CONFUSION PAIRS Total (64) With >= 1 occurances (64) 1: 1 -> a ==> to 2: 1 -> administered ==> minister 3: 1 -> at ==> and 4: 1 -> at ==> the 5: 1 -> botched ==> posh 6: 1 -> correct ==> trek 7: 1 -> costing ==> causing 8: 1 -> data ==> dated 9: 1 -> day's ==> is 10: 1 -> deadlines ==> airlines 11: 1 -> direct ==> director 12: 1 -> disheartening ==> tightening 13: 1 -> dollar ==> lure 14: 1 -> effected ==> effective 15: 1 -> eight ==> mae 16: 1 -> either ==> into 17: 1 -> entrusted ==> infested 18: 1 -> eyes ==> eye 19: 1 -> fess ==> fast 20: 1 -> fidelity ==> fidelity's 21: 1 -> for ==> freed 22: 1 -> from ==> of 23: 1 -> fund ==> different 24: 1 -> fund ==> find 25: 1 -> fund ==> refund 26: 1 -> funds ==> some 27: 1 -> have ==> it 28: 1 -> incorrect ==> increased 29: 1 -> it ==> they 30: 1 -> its ==> it's 31: 1 -> jamieson ==> and 32: 1 -> jane ==> genius 33: 1 -> lied ==> relied 34: 1 -> listed ==> illicit 35: 1 -> money ==> many 36: 1 -> newspaper ==> byrd 37: 1 -> newspapers ==> praised 38: 1 -> normally ==> early 39: 1 -> problem ==> pal 40: 1 -> report ==> reports 41: 1 -> self ==> south 42: 1 -> shared ==> insured 43: 1 -> some ==> a 44: 1 -> someone ==> on 45: 1 -> standard ==> if 46: 1 -> the ==> a 47: 1 -> the ==> today 48: 1 -> their ==> little 49: 1 -> though ==> the 50: 1 -> titan ==> tighten 51: 1 -> to ==> florida 52: 1 -> to ==> too 53: 1 -> to ==> two 54: 1 -> trillion ==> to 55: 1 -> two ==> trying 56: 1 -> unknowingly ==> the 57: 1 -> unsavory ==> save 58: 1 -> up ==> that 59: 1 -> wasn't ==> was 60: 1 -> were ==> and 61: 1 -> were ==> for 62: 1 -> who ==> and 63: 1 -> who ==> to 64: 1 -> would ==> but ------- 64 INSERTIONS Total (12) With >= 1 occurances (12) 1: 1 -> a 2: 1 -> and 3: 1 -> funds' 4: 1 -> jean 5: 1 -> knowing 6: 1 -> mr. 7: 1 -> mystery 8: 1 -> new 9: 1 -> on 10: 1 -> stunned 11: 1 -> the 12: 1 -> this ------- 12 DELETIONS Total (8) With >= 1 occurances (8) 1: 2 -> and 2: 1 -> at 3: 1 -> blow 4: 1 -> if 5: 1 -> looked 6: 1 -> the 7: 1 -> they 8: 1 -> were ------- 9 SUBSTITUTIONS Total (56) With >= 1 occurances (56) 1: 3 -> fund 2: 3 -> to 3: 2 -> at 4: 2 -> the 5: 2 -> were 6: 2 -> who 7: 1 -> a 8: 1 -> administered 9: 1 -> botched 10: 1 -> correct 11: 1 -> costing 12: 1 -> data 13: 1 -> day's 14: 1 -> deadlines 15: 1 -> direct 16: 1 -> disheartening 17: 1 -> dollar 18: 1 -> effected 19: 1 -> eight 20: 1 -> either 21: 1 -> entrusted 22: 1 -> eyes 23: 1 -> fess 24: 1 -> fidelity 25: 1 -> for 26: 1 -> from 27: 1 -> funds 28: 1 -> have 29: 1 -> incorrect 30: 1 -> it 31: 1 -> its 32: 1 -> jamieson 33: 1 -> jane 34: 1 -> lied 35: 1 -> listed 36: 1 -> money 37: 1 -> newspaper 38: 1 -> newspapers 39: 1 -> normally 40: 1 -> problem 41: 1 -> report 42: 1 -> self 43: 1 -> shared 44: 1 -> some 45: 1 -> someone 46: 1 -> standard 47: 1 -> their 48: 1 -> though 49: 1 -> titan 50: 1 -> trillion 51: 1 -> two 52: 1 -> unknowingly 53: 1 -> unsavory 54: 1 -> up 55: 1 -> wasn't 56: 1 -> would ------- 64 * NOTE: The 'Substitution' words are those reference words for which the recognizer supplied an incorrect word. FALSELY RECOGNIZED Total (56) With >= 1 occurances (56) 1: 4 -> and 2: 3 -> the 3: 3 -> to 4: 2 -> a 5: 1 -> airlines 6: 1 -> but 7: 1 -> byrd 8: 1 -> causing 9: 1 -> dated 10: 1 -> different 11: 1 -> director 12: 1 -> early 13: 1 -> effective 14: 1 -> eye 15: 1 -> fast 16: 1 -> fidelity's 17: 1 -> find 18: 1 -> florida 19: 1 -> for 20: 1 -> freed 21: 1 -> genius 22: 1 -> if 23: 1 -> illicit 24: 1 -> increased 25: 1 -> infested 26: 1 -> insured 27: 1 -> into 28: 1 -> is 29: 1 -> it 30: 1 -> it's 31: 1 -> little 32: 1 -> lure 33: 1 -> mae 34: 1 -> many 35: 1 -> minister 36: 1 -> of 37: 1 -> on 38: 1 -> pal 39: 1 -> posh 40: 1 -> praised 41: 1 -> refund 42: 1 -> relied 43: 1 -> reports 44: 1 -> save 45: 1 -> some 46: 1 -> south 47: 1 -> that 48: 1 -> they 49: 1 -> tighten 50: 1 -> tightening 51: 1 -> today 52: 1 -> too 53: 1 -> trek 54: 1 -> trying 55: 1 -> two 56: 1 -> was ------- 64 * NOTE: The 'Falsely Recognized' words are those hypothesis words which the recognizer incorrectly substituted for a reference word.
SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER ********************************************************************** ***** Percentages Computed using Weighted Word Scoring ***** ********************************************************************** ** Weights defined by file: './csrnab_r.blm' ,----------------------------------------------------------------. | ./csrnab.hyp | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | SPKR | # Snt # Wrd | Corr Sub Del Ins Err S.Err | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t0 | 15 458 | 91.0 46.9 4.7 12.3 63.8 86.7 | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t1 | 21 544 | 96.5 24.3 0.8 2.7 27.8 57.1 | |--------+-------------+-----------------------------------------| | 4t2 | 15 404 | 98.1 34.2 0.3 8.9 43.4 86.7 | |================================================================| | Sum/Avg| 51 1406 | 95.1 34.9 1.9 7.8 44.6 74.5 | |================================================================| | Mean | 17.0 468.7 | 95.2 35.1 1.9 8.0 45.0 76.8 | | S.D. | 3.5 70.6 | 3.7 11.3 2.4 4.9 18.1 17.0 | | Median | 15.0 458.0 | 96.5 34.2 0.8 8.9 43.4 86.7 | `----------------------------------------------------------------'DET Curve
Word Confidence Score Histogram