The commandline options for sc_stats can be broken into four categories:
- The 'range' graphs are an ASCII representation of the of the variablity in error rates for a given speaker. The graph is sorted be the mean of statistic computed for each speaker. EXAMPLE
- The 'grange' graph is a gnuplot version of the same data ploted in 'range. There are two sets of files created. The first set, which is called '*.grange.spk.plt' and '*.grange.spk.dat', contains the gnuplot command files and data files respectively for the speaker performance variability across systems graph. The second set, which is called '*.grange.sys.plt' and '*.grange.sys.dat', contains the gnuplot command files and data files respectively for the system performance variability across speakers graph. EXAMPLE
- The 'grange2' graph is similar to the 'grange' graph except that each systems speaker word error scores are identified by a unique symbol. EXAMPLE