01_RUN_feature_extraction.sh 3.05 KB

#	Featrure extraction for speaker verification system based on ALIZE 3.0
#	This script is distributed in the hope that it will useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#	This tutorial is designed to help getting an hand on the LIA_RAL toolkit  by introducting 
#	the main executables in context.
#	Executables used in this script are NOT part of the ALIZE toolkit.
#	The author of this tutorial recommand the use of these tools as he is familiar with.
#	However, acoustic feature extraction is not limited to Spro and HTK and 
#	other tools can be used for this purpose.
#	by Anthony Larcher
#		alarcher - at- i2r.a-star.edu.sg
#		07/06/2013

# This script extract acoustic features from the SPHERE files available in the ./spkDiarization/data/sph/ directory and generate feature files in ./spkDiarization/data/prm/

# Before running this script you should select a configuration  by setting the two following parameters.
# FEATURE_TYPE design the program used to extract the acoustic features: Spro or HTK
# In case Spro is selected and that sfbcep is not compiled linked to the SPHERE library, SPHERE files need to be converted into 
# raw PCM files by using the tools provided by the NIST and available at:
#	http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/comp.speech/Section1/AudioSoftware/nist.html
# In this case, set the parameter INPUT_FORMAT to PCM
FEATURE_TYPE="SPro"		# can be SPro or HTK

# If SPro has not been linked to the SPHERE library, convert first the SPHERE files into raw PCM files without header
if [ $INPUT_FORMAT = "PCM" ]; then

	for i in `cat spkDiarization/data/data.lst`; do

		CMD_DECODE="spkDiarization/bin/w_decode -o pcm spkDiarization/data/sph/$i.sph spkDiarization/data/pcm/$i.sph"
		echo $CMD_DECODE

		CMD_CONVERT="spkDiarization/bin/h_strip spkDiarization/data/pcm/$i.sph spkDiarization/data/pcm/$i.pcm"

	# Remove the temporary SPHERE files
	echo "Remove temporary SPHERE files"
	rm spkDiarization/data/pcm/*.sph

	# Extract MFCC features with SPro
	for i in `cat spkDiarization/data/data.lst`;do
        	COMMAND_LINE="spkDiarization/bin/sfbcep -m -k 0.97 -p19 -n 24 -r 22 -e -D -A -F PCM16  spkDiarization/data/pcm/$i.pcm spkDiarization/data/prm/$i.tmp.prm"
                echo $COMMAND_LINE


if [ $INPUT_FORMAT = "SPH" ]; then

	if [ $FEATURE_TYPE = "SPro" ]; then

		# Extract a list of files
		for i in `cat spkDiarization/data/data.lst`;do
	                COMMAND_LINE="spkDiarization/bin/sfbcep -m -k 0.97 -p19 -n 24 -r 22 -e -D -A -F SPHERE  spkDiarization/data/sph/$i.sph spkDiarization/data/prm/$i.tmp.prm"
	 		echo $COMMAND_LINE

	else	# Extract features using HTK
		# Extract a list of files
		COMMAND_LINE="spkDiarization/bin/HCopy -C spkDiarization/cfg/hcopy_sph.cfg -T 1 -S spkDiarization/data/data_htk.scp"