4.9 KB

set -euo pipefail

# This script is called from local/nnet3/ and
# local/chain/ (and may eventually be called by more
# scripts).  It contains the common feature preparation and
# iVector-related parts of the script.  See those scripts for examples
# of usage.


. ./
. ./
. ./utils/


for f in data/${train_set}/feats.scp ${gmm_dir}/final.mdl; do
  if [ ! -f $f ]; then
    echo "$0: expected file $f to exist"
    exit 1

if [ $stage -le 1 ]; then
  # Although the nnet will be trained by high resolution data, we still have to
  # perturb the normal data to get the alignment _sp stands for speed-perturbed
  echo "$0: preparing directory for low-resolution speed-perturbed data (for alignment)"
  utils/data/ data/${train_set} data/${train_set}_sp
  echo "$0: making MFCC features for low-resolution speed-perturbed data"
  steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 17 data/${train_set}_sp || exit 1;
  steps/ data/${train_set}_sp || exit 1;
  utils/ data/${train_set}_sp

if [ $stage -le 2 ]; then
  echo "$0: aligning with the perturbed low-resolution data"
  steps/ --nj 16 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    data/${train_set}_sp data/lang $gmm_dir $ali_dir || exit 1

if [ $stage -le 3 ]; then
  # Create high-resolution MFCC features (with 40 cepstra instead of 13).
  # this shows how you can split across multiple file-systems.
  echo "$0: creating high-resolution MFCC features"

  for datadir in ${train_set}_sp ${test_sets}; do
    utils/ data/$datadir data/${datadir}_hires

  # do volume-perturbation on the training data prior to extracting hires
  # features; this helps make trained nnets more invariant to test data volume.
  #utils/data/ data/${train_set}_sp_hires || exit 1;

  for datadir in ${train_set}_sp ${test_sets}; do
    steps/ --nj 16 --mfcc-config conf/mfcc_hires.conf \
     --cmd "$train_cmd" data/${datadir}_hires || exit 1;
    steps/ data/${datadir}_hires || exit 1;
    utils/ data/${datadir}_hires || exit 1;

if [ $stage -le 4 ]; then
  # Train a small system just for its LDA+MLLT transform.  We use --num-iters 13
  # because after we get the transform (12th iter is the last), any further
  # training is pointless.
  steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --num-iters 13 \
    --realign-iters "" --splice-opts "--left-context=3 --right-context=3" \
    5000 10000 data/${train_set}_sp_hires data/lang \
     $ali_dir exp/nnet3/tri5b || exit 1

if [ $stage -le 5 ]; then
  echo "$0: training the diagonal UBM."
  steps/online/nnet2/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 16  --num-frames 200000 \
     data/${train_set}_sp_hires 256 exp/nnet3/tri5b exp/nnet3/diag_ubm || exit 1

if [ $stage -le 6 ]; then
  # Train the iVector extractor.  Use all of the speed-perturbed data since iVector extractors
  # can be sensitive to the amount of data. The iVector dimension of 50.
  # even though $nj is just 10, each job uses multiple processes and threads.
  echo "$0: training the iVector extractor"
  steps/online/nnet2/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    --nj 10 --num-processes 1 --num-threads 2 --ivector-dim 50 \
    data/${train_set}_sp_hires exp/nnet3/diag_ubm exp/nnet3/extractor || exit 1;

if [ $stage -le 7 ]; then
  # We extract iVectors on the speed-perturbed training data after combining
  # short segments, which will be what we train the system on.  With
  # --utts-per-spk-max 2, the script pairs the utterances into twos, and treats
  # each of these pairs as one speaker; this gives more diversity in iVectors..
  # Note that these are extracted 'online'.

  # note, we don't encode the 'max2' in the name of the ivectordir even though
  # that's the data we extract the ivectors from, as it's still going to be
  # valid for the non-'max2' data, the utterance list is the same.


  # having a larger number of speakers is helpful for generalization, and to
  # handle per-utterance decoding well (iVector starts at zero).
  utils/data/ --utts-per-spk-max 2 \
    data/${train_set}_sp_hires ${temp_data_root}/${train_set}_sp_hires_max2

  steps/online/nnet2/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 16 \
    ${temp_data_root}/${train_set}_sp_hires_max2 \
    exp/nnet3/extractor $ivectordir

  # Also extract iVectors for the test data, but in this case we don't need the speed
  # perturbation (sp).
  for data in $test_sets; do
    steps/online/nnet2/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 6 \
      data/${data}_hires exp/nnet3/extractor exp/nnet3/ivectors_${data}_hires

exit 0;