dict_dir_add_pronprobs.sh 9.67 KB

# Apache 2.0.
# Copyright  2014  Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey)
#            2014  Guoguo Chen
#            2015  Hainan Xu

# The thing that this script implements is described in the paper:
# by Guoguo Chen et al, see
# http://www.danielpovey.com/files/2015_interspeech_silprob.pdf

. ./path.sh || exit 1;

# begin configuration
# end configuration

. utils/parse_options.sh || exit 1;

set -e

if [[ $# -ne 3 && $# -ne 5 ]]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 [options] <input-dict-dir> <input-pron-counts> \\"
  echo "          [input-sil-counts] [input-bigram-counts] <output-dict-dir>"
  echo " e.g.: $0 data/local/dict \\"
  echo "          exp/tri3/pron_counts_nowb.txt exp/tri3/sil_counts_nowb.txt \\"
  echo "          exp/tri3/pron_bigram_counts_nowb.txt data/local/dict_prons"
  echo " e.g.: $0 data/local/dict \\"
  echo "          exp/tri3/pron_counts_nowb.txt data/local/dict_prons"
  echo ""
  echo "This script takes pronunciation counts, e.g. generated by aligning your training"
  echo "data and getting the prons using steps/get_prons.sh, and creates a modified"
  echo "dictionary directory with pronunciation probabilities. If the [input-sil-counts]"
  echo "parameter is provided, it will also include silprobs in the generated lexicon."
  echo "Options:"
  echo "   --max-normalize   (true|false)             # default true.  If true,"
  echo "                                              # divide each pron-prob by the"
  echo "                                              # most likely pron-prob per word."
  exit 1;

if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
elif [ $# -eq 5 ]; then

if [ ! -s $pron_counts ]; then
  echo "$0: expected file $pron_counts to exist";
  exit 1;

mkdir -p $dir || exit 1;
utils/validate_dict_dir.pl $srcdir;

if [ -f $srcdir/lexicon.txt ]; then
  perl -ane 'print join(" ", split(" ", $_)) . "\n";' < $src_lex |\
    sort -u > $dir/lexicon.txt
elif [ -f $srcdir/lexiconp.txt ]; then
  echo "$0: removing the pron-probs from $srcdir/lexiconp.txt to create $dir/lexicon.txt"
  # the Perl command below normalizes the spaces (avoid double space).
  awk '{$2 = ""; print $0;}' <$srcdir/lexiconp.txt |\
    perl -ane 'print join(" ", split(" " ,$_)) . "\n";' |\
    sort -u > $dir/lexicon.txt || exit 1;

# the cat and awk commands below are implementing add-one smoothing.
cat <(awk '{print 1, $0;}' <$dir/lexicon.txt) $pron_counts | \
  awk '{ count = $1; $1 = ""; word_count[$2] += count; pron_count[$0] += count; pron2word[$0] = $2; }
       END{ for (p in pron_count) { word = pron2word[p]; num = pron_count[p]; den = word_count[word];
          print num / den, p } } ' | \
    awk '{ word = $2; $2 = $1; $1 = word; print; }' | grep -v '^<eps>' |\
    sort -k1,1 -k2g,2 -k3 > $dir/lexiconp.txt

n_old=$(wc -l <$dir/lexicon.txt)
n_new=$(wc -l <$dir/lexiconp.txt)

if [ "$n_old" != "$n_new" ]; then
  echo "$0: number of lines differs from $dir/lexicon.txt $n_old vs $dir/lexiconp.txt $n_new"
  echo "Probably something went wrong (e.g. input prons were generated from a different lexicon"
  echo "than $srcdir, or you used pron_counts.txt when you should have used pron_counts_nowb.txt"
  echo "or something else.  Make sure the prons in $src_lex $pron_counts look"
  echo "the same."
  exit 1;

if $max_normalize; then
  echo "$0: normalizing pronprobs so maximum is 1 for each word."
  cat $dir/lexiconp.txt | awk '{if ($2 > max[$1]) { max[$1] = $2; }} END{for (w in max) { print w, max[w]; }}' > $dir/maxp.txt

  awk -v maxf=$dir/maxp.txt  'BEGIN{ while (getline <maxf) { max[$1] = $2; }} { $2 = $2 / max[$1]; print }' <$dir/lexiconp.txt > $dir/lexicon_tmp.txt || exit 1;

  if ! [ $(wc -l  <$dir/lexicon_tmp.txt)  -eq $(wc -l  <$dir/lexiconp.txt) ]; then
    echo "$0: error max-normalizing pron-probs"
    exit 1;
  mv $dir/lexicon_tmp.txt $dir/lexiconp.txt
  rm $dir/maxp.txt

# Create $dir/lexiconp_silprob.txt and $dir/silprob.txt if silence counts file
# exists. The format of $dir/lexiconp_silprob.txt is:
# word pron-prob P(s_r | w)  F(s_l | w) F(n_l | w) pron
#  where:  P(s_r | w) is the probability of silence to the right of the word
#          F(s_l | w) is a factor which is greater than one if silence to the
#                  left of the word is more than averagely probable.
#          F(n_l | w) is a factor which is greater than one if nonsilence to the
#                  left of the word is more than averagely probable.
if [ -n "$sil_counts" ]; then
  if [ ! -s "$sil_counts" ]; then
    echo "$0: expected file $sil_counts to exist and not empty" && exit 1;
  cat $sil_counts | perl -e '
    # Load silence counts
    %sil_wpron = (); %nonsil_wpron = (); %wpron_sil = (); %wpron_nonsil = ();
    $sil_count = 0; $nonsil_count = 0;
    while (<STDIN>) {
      chomp; @col = split; @col >= 5 || die "'$0': bad line \"$_\"\n";
      $wpron = join(" ", @col[4..scalar(@col)-1]);
      ($sil_wpron{$wpron}, $nonsil_wpron{$wpron},
       $wpron_sil{$wpron}, $wpron_nonsil{$wpron}) = @col[0..3];
      $sil_count += $sil_wpron{$wpron}; $nonsil_count += $nonsil_wpron{$wpron};

    # Open files.
    ($lexiconp, $bigram_counts, $lexiconp_silprob, $silprob) = @ARGV;
    open(LP, "<$lexiconp") || die "'$0': fail to open $lexiconp\n";
    open(WPC, "<$bigram_counts") || die "'$0': fail to open $bigram_counts\n";
    open(SP, ">$silprob") || die "'$0': fail to open $silprob\n";
    open(LPSP, ">$lexiconp_silprob") ||
      die "'$0': fail to open $lexiconp_silprob\n";

    # Computes P(s_r | w) in the paper.
    $lambda2 = 2;             # Smoothing term, \lambda_2 in the paper.
    %P_w_sr = ();
    %all_wprons = ();
    $sil_prob = sprintf("%.2f", $sil_count / ($sil_count + $nonsil_count));
    while (<LP>) {
      chomp; @col = split; @col >= 3 || die "'$0': bad line \"$_\"\n";
      $word = shift @col; $pron_prob = shift @col; $pron = join(" ", @col);
      unshift(@col, $word); $wpron = join(" ", @col);

      $wpron_sil_count = $wpron_sil{$wpron} + $sil_prob * $lambda2;
      $wpron_nonsil_count = $wpron_nonsil{$wpron} + (1 - $sil_prob) * $lambda2;
      $sil_after_prob = sprintf("%.2f",
        $wpron_sil_count / ($wpron_sil_count + $wpron_nonsil_count));
      if ($sil_after_prob == "0.00") { $sil_after_prob = "0.01"; }
      if ($sil_after_prob == "1.00") { $sil_after_prob = "0.99"; }
      $P_w_sr{$wpron} = $sil_after_prob;

      $all_wprons{$wpron} = $pron_prob;

    # Reads C(v ? w) in the paper.
    %wpron_pair_count = ();
    while (<WPC>) {
      chomp; @col = split("\t"); @col == 3 || die "'$0': bad line \"$_\"\n";
      $count = shift @col; $wpron1 = shift @col; $wpron2 = shift @col;
      $key = "${wpron1}\t${wpron2}";
      $wpron_pair_count{$key} = $count;

    # Computes \bar{C}(s w) and \bar{C}(n w) in the paper.
    %bar_C_s_w = ();
    %bar_C_n_w = ();
    foreach my $key (keys %wpron_pair_count) {
      $count = $wpron_pair_count{$key};
      ($wpron1, $wpron2) = split("\t", $key);
      $bar_C_s_w{$wpron2} += $count * $P_w_sr{$wpron1};
      $bar_C_n_w{$wpron2} += $count * (1 - $P_w_sr{$wpron1});

    # Computes F(s_l | w) and F(n_l | w) in the paper.
    $lambda3 = 2;             # Smoothing term, \lambda_3 in the paper.
    foreach my $wpron (keys %all_wprons) {
      @col = split(" ", $wpron);
      $word = shift @col;
      $pron = join(" ", @col);
      $pron_prob = $all_wprons{$wpron};

      $F_sl_w = ($sil_wpron{$wpron} + $lambda3) / ($bar_C_s_w{$wpron} + $lambda3);
      $F_nl_w = ($nonsil_wpron{$wpron} + $lambda3) / ($bar_C_n_w{$wpron} + $lambda3);
      $F_sl_w = sprintf("%.2f", $F_sl_w);
      $F_nl_w = sprintf("%.2f", $F_nl_w);
      if ($F_sl_w == "0.00") { $F_sl_w = "0.01"; }
      if ($F_nl_w == "0.00") { $F_nl_w = "0.01"; }

      print LPSP "$word $pron_prob $P_w_sr{$wpron} $F_sl_w $F_nl_w $pron\n";

    # Create silprob.txt
    $BOS_sil_count = $wpron_sil{"<s>"} + $sil_prob * $lambda2;
    $BOS_nonsil_count = $wpron_nonsil{"<s>"} + (1 - $sil_prob) * $lambda2;
    $P_BOS_sr = sprintf("%.2f", $BOS_sil_count / ($BOS_sil_count + $BOS_nonsil_count));
    $F_sl_EOS = ($sil_wpron{"</s>"} + $lambda3) / ($bar_C_s_w{"</s>"} + $lambda3);
    $F_nl_EOS = ($nonsil_wpron{"</s>"} + $lambda3) / ($bar_C_n_w{"</s>"} + $lambda3);
    if ($P_BOS_sr == "1.00") { $P_BOS_sr = "0.99"; }
    if ($P_BOS_sr == "0.00") { $P_BOS_sr = "0.01"; }
    if ($F_sl_EOS == "0.00") { $F_sl_EOS = "0.01"; }
    if ($F_nl_EOS == "0.00") { $F_nl_EOS = "0.01"; }
    print SP "<s> $P_BOS_sr\n</s>_s $F_sl_EOS\n</s>_n $F_nl_EOS\noverall $sil_prob\n";
    ' $dir/lexiconp.txt $bigram_counts $dir/lexiconp_silprob_unsorted.txt $dir/silprob.txt
    sort -k1,1 -k2g,2 -k6 $dir/lexiconp_silprob_unsorted.txt > $dir/lexiconp_silprob.txt

# now regenerate lexicon.txt from lexiconp.txt, to make sure the lines are
# in the same order.
cat $dir/lexiconp.txt | awk '{$2 = ""; print;}' | sed 's/  / /g' >$dir/lexicon.txt

# add mandatory files.
for f in silence_phones.txt nonsilence_phones.txt; do
  if [ ! -f $srcdir/$f ]; then
    echo "$0: expected $srcdir/$f to exist."
    exit 1;
  cp $srcdir/$f $dir/ || exit 1;

# add optional files (at least, I think these are optional; would have to check the docs).
for f in optional_silence.txt extra_questions.txt; do
  if [ -f $srcdir/$f ]; then
    cp $srcdir/$f $dir || exit 1;

echo "$0: produced dictionary directory with probabilities in $dir/"
echo "$0: validating $dir .."
sleep 1
utils/validate_dict_dir.pl $dir || exit 1;

echo "Some low-probability prons include: "
echo "# sort -k2,2 -n $dir/lexiconp.txt  | head -n 8"

sort -k2,2 -n $dir/lexiconp.txt  | head -n 8

exit 0