13.3 KB
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy

from theano import config

from fuel.transformers import Transformer
from picklable_itertools.extras import equizip

class MaximumFrameCache(Transformer):
    """Cache examples, and create batches of maximum number of frames.

    Given a data stream which reads large chunks of data, this data
    stream caches these chunks and returns batches with a maximum number
    of acoustic frames.

    max_frames : int
        maximum number of frames per batch

    cache : list of lists of objects
        This attribute holds the cache at any given point. It is a list of
        the same size as the :attr:`sources` attribute. Each element in
        this list is a deque of examples that are currently in the
        cache. The cache gets emptied at the start of each epoch, and gets
        refilled when needed through the :meth:`get_data` method.

    def __init__(self, data_stream, max_frames, rng):
        super(MaximumFrameCache, self).__init__(
        self.max_frames = max_frames
        self.cache = OrderedDict([(name, []) for name in self.sources])
        self.num_frames = []
        self.rng = rng
        self.produces_examples = False

    def next_request(self):
        curr_max = 0
        for i, n_frames in enumerate(self.num_frames):
            # Select max number of frames because of future padding
            curr_max = max(n_frames, curr_max)
            total = curr_max * (i + 1)
            if total >= self.max_frames:
                return i + 1
        return len(self.num_frames)

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        if not self.cache[self.cache.keys()[0]]:
        data = []
        request = self.next_request()
        for source_name in self.cache:
        self.cache = OrderedDict([(name, dt[request:]) for name, dt
                                  in self.cache.iteritems()])
        self.num_frames = self.num_frames[request:]

        return tuple(data)

    def get_epoch_iterator(self, **kwargs):
        self.cache = OrderedDict([(name, []) for name in self.sources])
        self.num_frames = []
        return super(MaximumFrameCache, self).get_epoch_iterator(**kwargs)

    def _cache(self):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        indexes = range(len(data[0]))
        data = [[dt[i] for i in indexes] for dt in data]
        self.cache = OrderedDict([(name, self.cache[name] + dt) for name, dt
                                  in equizip(self.data_stream.sources, data)])
        self.num_frames.extend([x.shape[0] for x in data[0]])

class Transpose(Transformer):
    """Transpose axes of datastream.
    def __init__(self, datastream, axes_list):
        super(Transpose, self).__init__(datastream)
        self.axes_list = axes_list
        self.produces_examples = False

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        transposed_data = []
        for axes, data in zip(self.axes_list, data):
            transposed_data.append(numpy.transpose(data, axes))
        return transposed_data

class AddUniformAlignmentMask(Transformer):
    """Adds an uniform alignment mask to the incoming batch.


    def __init__(self, data_stream):
        super(AddUniformAlignmentMask, self).__init__(data_stream)
        self.sources = self.data_stream.sources + ('alignment',)

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        sources = self.data_stream.sources

        x_idx = sources.index('x')
        y_idx = sources.index('y')
        x_mask_idx = sources.index('x_mask')
        y_mask_idx = sources.index('y_mask')

        batch_size = data[x_idx].shape[1]
        max_len_output = data[y_idx].shape[0]
        max_len_input = data[x_idx].shape[0]
        mask_shape = (max_len_output, batch_size, max_len_input)
        alignment = numpy.zeros(mask_shape, dtype=config.floatX)

        for k in xrange(batch_size):
            in_size = numpy.count_nonzero(data[x_mask_idx][:,k])
            out_size = numpy.count_nonzero(data[y_mask_idx][:,k])
            n = int(in_size/out_size) # Maybe clever way than int to do this
            v = numpy.hstack([numpy.ones(n, dtype=config.floatX),
                              numpy.zeros(max_len_input - n,
            alignment[0,k] = v
            for i in xrange(1, out_size):
                alignment[i,k] = numpy.roll(v, i*n)

            # DEBUG
            #plt.imshow(alignment[:,k,:], cmap='gray', interpolation='none')
        data = data + (alignment,)

        return data

class AlignmentPadding(Transformer):
    def __init__(self, data_stream, alignment_source):
        super(AlignmentPadding, self).__init__(data_stream)
        self.alignment_source = alignment_source

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(equizip(self.sources, data))

        alignments = data[self.alignment_source]

        input_lengths = [alignment.shape[1] for alignment in alignments]
        output_lengths = [alignment.shape[0] for alignment in alignments]
        max_input_length = max(input_lengths)
        max_output_length = max(output_lengths)

        batch_size = len(alignments)

        padded_alignments = numpy.zeros((max_output_length, batch_size,
        padded_targets = numpy.zeros((batch_size, max_output_length))
        padded_targets_mask = numpy.zeros((batch_size, max_output_length))
        for i, alignment in enumerate(alignments):
            out_size, inp_size = alignment.shape
            padded_alignments[:out_size, i, :inp_size] = alignment
            alignment_index = [list(align).index(1)
                               for align in alignment]
            occurance = [alignment_index.count(j)
                         for j in set(alignment_index)]
            alignment_target = data['phonemes'][i][alignment_index]
            padded_targets[i, :out_size] = alignment_target
            #get rid of start label
            padded_targets[i, 0] = data['phonemes'][i, 1]
            alignment_target_mask = sum([[occur]*num for occur, num in
                                              occurance)], [])
            padded_targets_mask[i, :out_size] = alignment_target_mask
        data[self.alignment_source] = padded_alignments
        data['phonemes'] = padded_targets.astype('int')
        data['phonemes_mask'] = padded_targets_mask
        return data.values()

class Reshape(Transformer):
    """Reshapes data in the stream according to shape source."""
    def __init__(self, data_source, shape_source, **kwargs):
        super(Reshape, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.data_source = data_source
        self.shape_source = shape_source
        self.sources = tuple(source for source in self.data_stream.sources
                             if source != shape_source)

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(zip(self.data_stream.sources, data))
        shapes = data.pop(self.shape_source)
        reshaped_data = []
        for dt, shape in zip(data[self.data_source], shapes):
        data[self.data_source] = reshaped_data
        return data.values()

class ConvReshape(Transformer):
    def __init__(self, data_source, quaternion, **kwargs):
        super(ConvReshape, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.data_source = data_source
        self.sources = tuple(source for source in self.data_stream.sources)
        self.quaternion = quaternion
    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(zip(self.data_stream.sources, data))
        #shapes = data.pop(self.shape_source)
        reshaped_data = []
        if self.data_source in ['features', 'X']:
            for dt in data[self.data_source]:
                shape = (1, dt.shape[0], 3, dt.shape[1] / 3)
                if self.quaternion:
                   empty_channel = numpy.zeros((1, shape[1], 1, shape[3]))
            for dt in data[self.data_source]:
                shape = (, 1)
        if len(reshaped_data) == 1:
            reshaped_data = reshaped_data * 2
            data['phonemes'] = numpy.repeat(data['phonemes'], 2, axis=0)
            data['features_mask'] = numpy.repeat(data['features_mask'],
                                                 2, axis=1)
            data['phonemes_mask'] = numpy.repeat(data['phonemes_mask'],
                                                 2, axis=1)
        data[self.data_source] = numpy.vstack(reshaped_data)
        # remove the start label
        data['phonemes'] = data['phonemes'][:, 1:]
        # get the indice starts at 0
        data['phonemes'] = data['phonemes'] - 1.
        # remove the end label
        data['phonemes'][data['phonemes']==61] = 0
        # recover original padding
        data['phonemes'][data['phonemes']==-1] = 0
        data['features_mask'] = numpy.sum(data['features_mask'], axis=0)[:, None]
        data['phonemes_mask'] = numpy.sum(data['phonemes_mask'], axis=0)[:, None] - 2
        return data.values()

class DictRep(Transformer):
    def __init__(self, data_source):
        super(DictRep, self).__init__(data_source)
        self.data_source = data_source

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(zip(self.data_stream.sources, data))
        return (data.values(), numpy.zeros([data['phonemes_mask'].shape[0]]))

class Subsample(Transformer):
    def __init__(self, data_stream, source, step):
        super(Subsample, self).__init__(data_stream)
        self.source = source
        self.step = step

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(equizip(self.sources, data))
        dt = data[self.source]

        indexes = ((slice(None, None, self.step),) +
                (slice(None),) * (len(dt.shape) - 1))
        subsampled = dt[indexes]
        data[self.source] = subsampled
        return data.values()

class WindowFeatures(Transformer):
    def __init__(self, data_stream, source, window_size):
        super(WindowFeatures, self).__init__(data_stream)
        self.source = source
        self.window_size = window_size

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(equizip(self.sources, data))
        feature_batch = data[self.source]

        windowed_features = []
        for features in feature_batch:
            features_padded = features.copy()

            features_shifted = [features]
            # shift forward
            for i in xrange(self.window_size / 2):
                feats = numpy.roll(features_padded, i + 1, axis=0)
                feats[:i + 1, :] = 0
            features_padded = features.copy()

            # shift backward
            for i in xrange(self.window_size / 2):
                feats = numpy.roll(features_padded, -i - 1, axis=0)
                feats[-i - 1:, :] = 0
                features_shifted.append(numpy.roll(features_padded, -i - 1,
                features_shifted, axis=1))
        data[self.source] = windowed_features
        return data.values()

class Normalize(Transformer):
    """Normalizes each features : x = (x - means)/stds"""
    def __init__(self, data_stream, means, stds, over='features'):
        super(Normalize, self).__init__(data_stream)
        self.means = means
        self.stds = stds
        self.over = over

        self.produces_examples = False

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(zip(self.data_stream.sources, data))
        for i in range(len(data[self.over])):
            data[self.over][i] -= self.means
            data[self.over][i] /= self.stds
        return data.values()

def length_getter(dt):
    def get_length(k):
        return dt[k].shape[0]
    return get_length

class SortByLegth(Transformer):
    def __init__(self, data_stream, source='features'):
        super(SortByLegth, self).__init__(data_stream)
        self.source = source

    def get_data(self, request=None):
        data = next(self.child_epoch_iterator)
        data = OrderedDict(zip(self.data_stream.sources, data))
        dt = data[self.source]
        indexes = sorted(range(len(dt)), key=length_getter(dt))
        for source in self.sources:
            data[source] = [data[source][k] for k in indexes]
        return data.values()